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Flying back in time to Asgard in twenty thirteen was going to be tough. The three Avengers spawned right under the throne room where Odin kept all his precious, valuable universal weapons and items. The Quantum Realm suits instantly disappeared and everyone's clothing from that time period took place.

"Aye, this is a nice room of treasure you got going here." Rocket attempts to touch a tube of some purple liquid as Omisha sighs.

"Touch that, and I'm sure your little paws would light on fire," Omisha warns him as she looks at Thor warily as the God of Thunder looked like he was in an alternate universe.

"What?" Rocket wraps his arms around his body and leaps away. "No way am I losing limbs because daddy likes pretty things."

Thor managed to get himself out of his daze just in time to see Rocket scowl at all things on display. "Ah, my furry friend, I would have to agree with you on that one."

"Okay, this is wasting our time. We need to get out of here. Thor, where do you think Jane is being kept?" Omisha changes the topic of the conversation.

A flash of determination dances across his eyes. "Follow me." Omisha and Rocket stay at Thor's heels as he navigates their way out from the bottom chamber. He explained that at the moment, Loki was locked in a cell while Jane was being cared for in one of the bedrooms. Queen Frigga and King Odin would be frantic about their son locked in a cell and their other arrogant son on a possible rampage.

The three of them nimbly managed to get to the ground floor without being seen. "Which way is the fastest to Jane?" Omisha asked. She was a bit curious to see the other woman Thor had fallen for. From what was said about Jane, the Midgardian seemed intelligent and remarkable.

"Through the dungeon, because it leads to a staircase that goes all the way up to the floor to where Jane should be," Thor answered confidently.

As they began their way to the dungeon, Thor mentions that Loki was supposed to be there. Rocket then stuck his hand up in question. "How are we gonna get past him?"

Omisha looks down. "Walk?"

The raccoon scrunches his face. "Haha, so smart."

Thor holds up his hand to stop them as some servants walk past with baskets of used linen. Omisha's eyes trail along the veins in his biceps as Thor allows them to continue to the cellar door. At the moment, there must be a change of guards, so now was the time to infiltrate.

Thor zipped past the white screen of protective glass, stealing a glance at his brother lying on a bed. Omisha is the second to dart across and does the same thing. He definitely looks younger and more cheeky. It saddened her to see him alive and well. She looked behind her and gave Rocket an urgent look to hurry up.

The three of them clumsily climb up the stairwell, trying not to make sound but, in the end, failing when Omisha accidentally stood on Rocket's tail, followed by Thor's elbow meeting Omisha's cheek. It was a real blessing that no guards or servants heard them.

Before they walked out from the stairwell, some maidens were walking by with some tunics and dresses, muttering about the Midgardian woman and what she was doing here. It was agreed in silence to follow them.

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