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Briskly making her way down to the ground level, Omisha pushed open the glass doors to the back of the building to what was going on above. Gazing up at the night sky, she could see nothing but stars. Only when she reached the edge where the building's cement met the green grass did she lookout to what was right in front of her.

"Holy shit." Her eyes were glued to the glowing amber underneath a spaceship. Whoever or whatever was shining brighter than the outdoor lights gracefully planted the wheels of the ship to the grass and simmered down. It was only when she got closer did she recognize the signature design of the Guardians' ship. It was slightly battered, flickering with flashes and clearly damaged by what had happened on Titan before she left.

Omisha moved her way to be next to her mother, who stood quite close to Steve. The sight of the ship hypnotized the Midgardians and the being under it. Pepper Potts stood hopefully but incredibly nervous to see who was on board. The only two that could comprehend who that was before they were the Gods.

Omisha's mind began to race with this intense thought of who survived the decimation. Her hairs were on edge as she began to think rapidly about if Peter had survived or if Drax and Mantis had managed to recover from being thrown up into the air. Her head felt light as she pictured Strange sitting on the gravel, gripping his side as blood seeped from the top of his brow. Although the one thought that grew bigger each time her eyes gazed up at the ship, Tony died from the snap of her sword.

Morrigan, however, was concerned by who was on the ship but, more importantly, beside herself to see that little spark once again. Watching Carol diminish her fiery appearance, Morrigan's breath was snatched away when their eyes locked. At first, it was a sense of relief and familiarity, but tension and conflict overcame that. Although they said they'd only reunite in dire circumstances, this was more than dire.

A brief moment of no movement happened until Carol Danvers scooted out from under the rip and turned to the ramp of the Benatar. Everyone was frozen, waiting in anticipation of who was going to come down the ramp. The first one to take a step towards the ship was Morrigan, followed by Steve.

There was shuffling at the top of the ramp. When Morrigan saw the pastel blue skin covered in a ragged brown leather jacket, her heart became overjoyed. Sadly, her walk slowed down to watch as Nebula assisted the man they called Tony Stark to hobble down the ramp. "Morrigan?" Carol's voice was wary and hopeful.

Standing there with open arms, Carol Danvers lurched into her Queen's arms. Morrigan wrapped her arms around her, holding her so close and letting a huge sigh leave her lips as a sign of relief. The spark in her life wasn't put out by Thanos. They held each other, relinquishing in the rare moment they had.

Beside them, Steve has caught Tony's arm, holding him up and giving support. The malnourished genius was shocked and on edge. He could not believe he was back home. Steve helped Tony down the rest of the ramp and on to the grass. The two men conversed on the matter of them both not being able to defeat Thanos.

Morrigan and Carol turn to face everyone just as Tony leaned towards Steve. Breathless, Tony had to withstand the need to sit down. "I lost the kid." Morrigan's hand dropped from Carol's waist

She wiped her eyes. "Are they the only survivors?" Oh, how badly she wanted to hear the answer no. When Carol shook her head sadly no, Morrigan looked in front of her to see Nebula still on the ramp. "Excuse me."

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