Due for a Chat

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After our treasure hunt and maneuvering through the old tunnels of Blood Venom so I am not seen, it was now pretty late at night, and even though I was feeling tired, my feelings of anxiousness for what we are about to uncover kept me wide awake. We are finally at a turning point, and I feel like there is a chance for my mate and me. Things are starting to look up for Mason and Vicki, and Tyler and Axel are friends again.

I guess good things somehow came out of this mess.

I sighed, letting my hands trail through my hair as I watched Mason dismiss the warrior leaders that were helping us earlier. We finally set everything up on a large table in a conference room, such as the little pieces of paper, clippings, newspaper articles, and journal entries that belonged to Axel's father and previous Alphas. Anything we found, we spread on the table to begin figuring out the secrets of the Council and how to take them down.

As I was laying the newspaper clippings out, one thing caught my attention, and after looking at it, my blood ran cold. I reached my shaking hand towards the newspaper article, afraid that anyone Axel might see it, yet fully knowing that I the others have already seen it. I read the newspaper heading again: Pregnant Luna Brutally Murdered! 

I knew that Axel's mom was killed, but I didn't know she was pregnant. Did Axel know about this? I inhaled through my nose, lifting my head up. I had to be strong for Axel and not let my emotions control me. I had to support him and show him that I can handle the pressure of his family's past, of the council, of our future. He had to know that I am ready to handle the stress that came with Blood Venom. 

I looked back down at the article, and I saw a picture of the little family that Axel could have had. In that moment, I felt my heart break again and my eyes welled up with tears once more. It was a picture of late Alpha Chris and Luna Arabella with beautiful smiles on their faces as they held on to a toddler Axel. Alpha Chris was looking at Luna Arabella, while she was looking at the camera, probably unaware that her husband wasn't focused on anything but her and the little boy she was holding in her arms. His left hand was lovingly rested on Arabella's shoulder while the index finger of his right hand was tightly held by Axel's little hand. The love was radiating from that picture and I felt a sharp pain course through me as I realized that Axel had this love ripped away from him at such a young age. I took in another breath, praying that the tears stay stuck in my eyes and don't leave, but that drew attention from Axel.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just looking at this article in the newspaper," I said, trying to cover up the crack in my voice.

"Show me," he said, as he extended his arm towards me.

"Maybe later. Let's focus on figuring out the Council's secrets for now." I didn't want to hide anything from him, especially not when things are maybe starting to look up for us. But, showing him this, might not be a good idea. I don't know what he knows, and I don't want him to have to deal with his emotions in front of his Beta, Gamma, and former Delta.

"Calista, just show me, why are you acting so weird?" he pressed on, leaned forward. I thought he was going to kiss me and as his lips got closer and closer. I was dying to know what his lips feel like again, to make sure he knows that while he never experienced the love of his family, I was here to give him all of me. But, when his lips were only a few inches away from mine, he breathed out, "Gotcha" and snatched the paper straight out of my hands. He had a smug look on his face and then winked at me. But, as he straightened out the newspaper clipping read it, I saw the smug expression on his face fall and instead a look of defeat replaced it.

"You didn't know," I concluded out loud. He shook his head slowly in response, as he slowly sat down in his chair. I didn't know what to do. Should I give him some space and let him react, or should I stay by his side, and let him talk through his feelings? Maybe I should just kick everyone out of the room and wait to see if he wants me to stay or if he would prefer if I go as well. I walked towards Axel and sat down beside him, running my hand through his hair and resting my head on his shoulder. However, just as I was about to tell the boys to leave the conference room, Jace says, "Didn't know what?" He heads closer towards Axel and looks over his shoulder to read the article.

"Luna Arabella was pregnant," Jace whispers out in disbelief. "What? How come we didn't know about this?"

As Jace says this, Mason and Tyler shared a look seems like they already saw the newspaper clipping when they found it earlier. 

"We didn't know about this because this article was never released. See, there isn't an issue date. It was sent to my dad, probably to approve of it before it gets printed and dispersed throughout the pack. But, I know the person who absolutely knows about this. Bring me my grandpa. We are due for a chat." Axel spoke out as he crumpled the piece of paper in his hand. 

Shattering the Alpha (Book #1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz