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"What's up with him?" I asked Axel, as I made stepped into his office.

"Nothing you have to worry about," he dodged the question. He extended his hand towards my face and tilted it slightly to the right, trying to get a good look at the mark on my neck.

He nodded his head in approval saying, "It healed nicely." I just smiled. When his gaze left my neck, it landed on Corrine. He gave me a confused look before piecing together that she came to the pack last night during the ball and stayed instead of leaving.

"Hi, Corrine," he addressed her. However, she just ignored him.

Trying to appease the situation slightly, I hinted at her to reply by saying, "Corrine, Axel is speaking to you."

"I know, but I don't want to talk to him," she said.

"Do you know what we do to pups who disrespect an Alpha at the Blood Venom Pack?" Axel threatened. I could feel Corrine cower behind me.

"Axel! That is my sister! Don't talk to her like that!" Then, looking at her, "Go find the kitchen and have something to eat. We will discuss this later," I ordered.

"Don't look at me like that," Axel said clenching his fists.

"You can't possibly expect her to like you, okay? Last time my family was here, you beat my dad up. And she doesn't have a mate bond with you to make her blindly forgive you," I accusingly told him.

"I am not asking her to like me, but she completely disrespected me!" he was getting angrier by the second.

"And like I keep telling you, respect is earned, and you still haven't earner her respect. Especially not since the last encounter you two had," I said.

"You are never on my side. Not when it comes to Mason, or the Trials or your sister, or anything," he accused me.

"That's not fair, Axel. I was totally on your side. Didn't you hear me tell her that I will talk to your later about her behavior? But, I also agree with her. So, just accept that she is my family and that makes her your family. And I was taught to accept all your family members' flaws. Just like how I accepted that you are a complete ass sometimes."

"Fine, I will let her comment slide. But she can't he talking to me like that again," he warned.

"Thanks," I said, landing a kiss on his cheek and linking our arms together, leading him out of his office and towards the kitchen. "Have you had breakfast?"

"Yes, Calista, it's noon. It is basically lunch time already."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever!" I dismissed with a laugh as I dragged him through his mansion to the kitchen.

When we finally made it to the kitchen, we saw Jace sitting at the table already having the lunch Emily had prepared. Corrine was sitting at the table too, but she was only nibbling on her food.

"Jace, don't you have your own flipping house that you could eat at?" Axel said addressing Jace who had a mouthful and was chewing rather disgustingly.

"The food here tastes better. Besides, you never minded me eating here until she got here," he said as he pointed at me with his fork and resumed eating.

"That's because you make her uncomfortable," Axel argued. 

"Oooh, that looks good," I began, trying to divert the attention away from the explosion that was bound to happen between Jace and Axel. "I really want some of that, don't you Ax?" I have been the mediator a lot lately around here.

"Sure," he answered as he directed his gaze at me and stopped shooting daggers at Jace with his eyes.

"Corrine, you are barely eating, stop playing with your food and finish your plate," I addressed here. The perks of being the older sister is bossing the younger one around.

"Does he have to be here?" she asked. I didn't like how she really didn't like my mate. I always imagined that my mate and my sister would get along perfectly fine.

"Well, yes, Cor. It is his kitc—," I was about to complete my sentence before I got interrupted by Axel.

"No, I don't. I can just eat my food in my office. I will give you two some time to catch up and talk. And Cali, you should be shifting into your wolf soon. If you start experiencing any symptoms like a faster heartbeat, sweating, or anything out of the ordinary, send someone to find me and then go to the backyard," he demanded as he the side of his index finger touched the bottom part of my chin before lifting it and locking my eyes with his. I felt a blush creep up my face and immediately looked away from him, grabbing a plate and stuffed my face with food. After Axel left the kitchen, I heard Jace mutter, "Well, if you are going to be here, then I am outta here." He slammed the backdoor on his way out almost knocking over the plate of food he carried outside with him.

I just rolled my eyes, which made Corrine giggle and happily resume her eating.

Corrine, Emily, and I kept talking for a while before I started feeling a little dizzy. She told me it was a normal part of the shift and rushed to get Axel.

Turning into a wolf was mostly a blur, but the part that I do remember was how painful it was. After shifting for the first time, my body grew really tired, and I shifted back into my human form after a couple of minutes. Corrine told me that I had a brown wolf and that I was very beautiful, and that she wished that she can have her wolf. She kept talking for a while after that, but I don't remember most of it. The next time I woke up, I was in bed with the sunlight streaming through the windows. I felt an energy and a nervousness that I had never felt before.

I shoved the covers off me and got out of bed. Today is going to be a big day.    

Shattering the Alpha (Book #1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें