What Happened?

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"Yeah, well, I wish that Mason and I would have mated when we had the chance. He would make a much better mate than you!" I confessed. In retrospect, I think I should have just let him walk away. Because when I vomited these words out of my mouth, I knew that I couldn't take them back, and not only was this bad for me, but it was horrible for Mason as well. For someone with straight A's, I could be a real idiot sometimes. I immediately regretted these words when I saw that his eyes were now a full golden color. They weren't flashing like before. Shit. Hello, Axel's wolf, please don't kill me, I am too young to die.

"What did you fucking say?" he growled.


This is bad. This is really, really bad. I exhaled and quickly said, "Nothing." Sure, what I said was nothing but stupid.

"Really, because it sounded like you said that you wish you would have mated with Mason when you had the chance," he sneered at me, still extremely angry.

"Um, no, that is not what I said," I countered weakly. He isn't an idiot, he knew I was lying. But I don't think that owning up to what I have said would be the best thing at this point. I don't really have a death wish, even though every action I have taken in the past two weeks proves otherwise.

"Did he offer to mate with you during your heat cycle to stop the pain?" I didn't know what to say. I couldn't tell if he was hurt or if he was just trying to control his wolf, but if I didn't know any better, I would think that he felt a little threatened and maybe a little hurt.

"No, that is not what happened." I replied. I knew that he was looking for details or an explanation, and for once, even though it was at Mason's expense, I feel like I had the control of the situation. So, I wasn't going to tell him what actually happened and appease his mind. I didn't even know if it would appease his mind, but for a second, it felt good knowing something that he didn't, but desperately wanted to know.

"Then what happened, Calista?" Even though his eyes were still bright gold, he didn't look like the angry Alpha I saw just a couple minutes ago. I wanted my words to stop bouncing off him, but I didn't want them to cut him. Maybe I am as cruel to him as he is to me. Maybe that is why we were paired for each other.

"Alpha, I," I started saying, however, from the corner of my eye, I saw Dr. Parker make his way into Axel's office. The situation with my dad finally bringing me back to the more important issue than all of this. "I have to go," I finished, as I started running back towards Axel's office. My dad was my priority right now, but I made a mental note to inform Mason that Axel is suspicious of what had happened when he was gone.

Thankfully, dad was doing a lot better than how I had left him, and mom seems to be a little more relaxed too. Corrine seemed a bit tense, but that was understandable. I apologized to her and told her that I was sorry this was happening. She smiled at me and gave me a hug, telling me to just focus on myself for now.

They were able to relocate my dad to my bedroom and allowed him to rest. So, my mom, Corrine, and I just hung out in the bedroom, talking about how it got too out of hand and how scared we all were.

"Mom, do you think I would make a good Luna?" Axel's words still lingered in the back of my mind, and for some reason I was starting to believe him. I always thought that if I were ever put in a situation like that, I would know what to do and say. However, I just froze up and looked like a complete idiot.

"Calista, I don't want you ever doubting yourself. Do you hear me? You are a wonderful daughter, an amazing sister, and I am sure as hell you will make a perfect Luna. You handle all your responsibilities meticulously and impeccably, and there is no way that you wouldn't do the same once you become Luna. You are a capable woman that can do whatever she puts her mind to. Who cares what a man thinks of you?" She ended. I know she was trying to support me, but for some reason, I just wasn't convinced.

"I do, mom. I care what he thinks. How would you feel if dad didn't think you were good enough for him?" I really did. For the longest time I had dreamed about finding a mate who found me one hundred percent perfect and exactly what he wanted, flaws and all.

"Just be yourself. He will eventually stop being blind and see how perfectly angelic you are," she stated. We smiled and hugged, and again I let out a few tears. Stupid tears! Why can't I control them? Because you are weak! My subconscious yelled at me. And, for once I agreed.

"Calista, get your ass down here, now!" I heard him say. However, it sounded like he was downstairs in the main hall.

"You don't have to do what he says," my mom retorts.

"I think that if I don't go down, he will only get angrier, probably come upstairs and carry me down himself," I looked at her knowingly.

"But," my mom started. I think she was trying to find the right words to tell me that he is dangerous.

"Mom, I know he is a bad person that has caused me copious amounts of emotional suffering. But I don't think that he would physically hurt me, at least not like what he did to dad. His wolf instinct won't let him" I admitted. At least, this is what I wanted to believe. If my heat cycle was any indication, this was probably not true, but it wasn't him directly who caused my pain, and I don't think that he would use any force against me. It is against werewolf nature to inflict physical harm on their mate and I don't think that Axel is an exception.

So, I went downstairs, and by the time I reached the entrance to the main hall, my heart was beating so much, it felt like an elephant was crushing my chest from the inside out.

"What do you want, Alpha?" I asked as I made my way inside. His back was to me, which definitely piqued my curiosity. However, the sight that greeted me when he turned around was paralyzing.

"Oh my God," I whisper as I take in Mason's bloody and bruised up body. There was blood running down his face from his nose, his cheek was cut up and swollen, and a dark bluish circle was already forming around his now swollen eye. Unsurprisingly, my mouth went so dry and I felt like I was about to vomit. But, this time I had no right to cry. If I hadn't opened my big mouth, this would not have happened to him. I had forced Mason to be in the middle of the crossfire in Axel and my war, when he had been nothing but supportive of my feelings and wellbeing since I got here. I am a disgusting human being.

"What happened between the two of you when I wasn't here?" he asked calmly, making it seem like he didn't just beat somebody half to do death. And for some reason, it didn't sound like he was hurt because of the possibility that his mate was with another man. It was more the fact that he thinks his Beta betrayed him.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Do you enjoy beating people up, because that is very concerning," I say. I can't believe I thought I had the upper hand about this just a couple hours ago. It really goes to show how naïve I can be sometimes.

"Don't try to evade the question. Because the longer you stall, the more I will keep hurting him. But to answer yours, the matter is that either I can't trust my Beta, or my mate is a whore," he casually mentioned and then continued, "So, what happened? And if your answer doesn't match his, even on one small detail, I will kill him," he emotionally stated. At the mention of my being a whore, it felt like he tore my heart out of my chest, then cut it up into little pieces, and then chucked the pieces at me. However, there was a much bigger problem here because I had no idea what Mason told him, and if I mess up, there is a really big chance that he would go through with his threat. For now, none of this Alpha's threats had been empty threats, which warrants a terrible outcome.

Then, I looked around me, and saw that it was only me, Mason, and Axel in the main hall. This man has been terrible since the very beginning. And if this is how it is going to be, I can't imagine possibly living with him for the rest of my life. Not only has he hurt me, my dad, and my mom, at least emotionally, he even went so far as to threaten to kill his own Beta. Even though my wolf needs his, even though my body craves his, and even though my heart beats screaming his name, my mind is telling me that he just isn't worth it.

So, I lifted my hands towards my face and dried my tears. Putting on a brave face I said, "Fine, I will tell you what you so desperately want to know. But, if my story doesn't match Mason's you kill me instead, Alpha." 

Have a great day, beautiful people!

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