Setting a Date

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Now that I have the green light from Axel, I guess I have to start planning the ball. And since I never planned a masquerade ball before, I had literally no idea where to start. I really downplayed it to Axel when I told him that all I had to worry about was the decorations. Grabbing a notebook from the one of the glass shelves in the living roomtable, I took
 my dad's phone from the pocket of my sweatpants and called my mom. She has been organizing all Mystic packs events and I am sure she can give me some insight about how to start.

I waited for a couple seconds for the call to connect and after the first ring I was able to hear my mom's worried voice, "Calli, baby, hi. What's going on? Are you hurt? Is everything ok?"

"Hi mom, calm down everything is fine, I just needed—," I began talking to my mom, but then I heard my dad talking to her from the other end of the line.

"Is that Callista on the phone?" I heard his muffled voice say.

"Yeah," my mom answered him.

"Mom," I tried grabbing her attention. However, she didn't seem to hear me because the next thing I hear her say was, "I don't know I just got on the phone with her. She hasn't told me anything yet." Mommy dearest, trust me, I am trying to tell you, but you are too focused on the conversation you were having with dad.

"Mom," I say again maybe she will focus on the conversation I am trying to have with her.

"No, it did not sound like she was crying, Anthony. Hold on let me ask her. Calista, honey, are you crying?" she asked. Oh good, I guess I have her attention now.

"No, mom I am not crying. Listen I—," I was interrupted again when I heard her report the news to my dad. Seriously!

"Ugh! Mom, I am trying to talk to you," I was able to let out. I love my parents so goddamn much, but sometimes they can seriously get on my nerves.

"Calista, did you say something? I was talking to your dad and couldn't hear you," I heard her say.

Thinking that I have finally got her attention, I started, "Yes, mom, I have this—," but unfortunately, I was interrupted, yet again, by my mother.

"No, Anthony, I don't know. Since you have so many questions, why don't you ask her yourself?" After a couple seconds I heard some shuffling on the phone, and then heard my dad's voice, "How's it going, love?" he asked.

"Good, daddy. How are you?"

"Just good? Is he bothering you? Do you want me to help you get out of there?"

"No, daddy," I answered, releasing a sigh, although I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face. It was good to know that I have amazing people who will always have my back even though they are extremely annoying at times. "I am fine," I promised, "I just had something I wanted to ask mom about. So, could you please hand the phone to her so that I can chat with her?" I asked.

"Sure thing," he replied, "Ror, she wants to speak with you," he relayed to her.

"Hey, what did you need to talk to me about?" Yes! I finally have her attention.

"Yeah, so I have decided to throw a masquerade ball here at Blood Venom, and I wanted to invite as many packs as possible, but I have no idea how to plan a ball. And since you are such a good party planner, I was wondering if you could help me out."

"The Blood Venom Pack is hosting a ball? And what's-his-face agreed? Wow, Cali, you aren't even Luna yet and you are already doing a number on that pack!" She sounded proud. But I couldn't help but a feel a little upset when she called Axel 'what's-his-face.'

"We compromised, and now I am able to do this. And I really need it to be a success, so anything you can tell me to get me started would be great," I didn't want her to think I was annoyed by what she said, but I think it leaked out from my voice a little bit.

"Well, have you set a date yet? I think that should be your first step. Because we can then work according to that timeline."

"Um, I haven't set a date yet, but I know that it has to be before the Lunar Trials at the end of this month. Since yesterday was the July first, the Lunar Trials are going to be on the 31st. So, I guess I will have it on the 29th of this month," I finalized.

"Wait a minute, you are doing the Lunar Trials? Calista, no! Please rethink this!"

"Mom, it is complicated. But, don't worry it will all work out for the best. Anyway, let's go back to planning this ball."

"Honey, if you do the Trials at the end of the month, that means you might go through another heat cycle. You have been at that pack for two weeks, which means that you will have your next cycle in approximately another two weeks. How about we push back the ball, and have you do the flipping Trials next week so that if you pass you can mate, and then you would be put out of your misery."

"I can't take them in a week mom, I need time to train. I can't just waltz into the Trials like I own the place. I think this is for the best. Now at least I know what to expect when my heat cycle starts." I tried making my mom feel better about the situation. However, I was really not looking forward to going through heat again. I though I kissed death the last time, and I certainly didn't want to do that again. Although, I didn't have any other choice. The timing for everything just didn't work out very well. If I don't train, there is a high chance that I will fail and then he would reject me, but my hormones would have already started the preparation for heat, so I might end up going through a heat cycle anyway. I was just stuck between a rock and a very hard place, and more than anything I wanted this ball to work. It has helped me get my mind off a lot of things. Plus, if I do the Trials before the ball, and I get rejected, the ball won't be held and Mason won't find his mate. I can't let that happen.

"I don't think that is a good idea."

"Mom, I don't have any other choice. Anyway, now that I have set a date, what should I do next?" I really wanted to revert our conversation back to the ball, and I was hoping that she got the hint that I didn't really want to talk to her about mating, my heat, or the Trials.

"Alrighty then," she began saying with a cheerful voice. Thanks, mom. "I guess what you have to do now is you have to figure out a color scheme and theme. And then we can base your invitations and décor on that."

"Well, the pack's name is Blood Venom. So, I think the color scheme should be red and I think silver. I think that would look pretty. Oooh! And we could have red roses everywhere. Dozens and dozens and dozens of red roses. Mama, this is so exciting!"

"Ok, well, you should work on the invitations, making sure that they fit with the theme. Ok, dear? Also, I think that it would be much more authentic if you mail out the invitations, instead of just sending them online. Also, you have to be thinking about the catering, the décor, and the music. But I think for now you have enough to get you started. I also think that you should have a little group to help you plan this event. I don't know what you have riding on this event, but I will do whatever I can to help you make it work. I will talk to a couple of my friends who have a catering business, and I will see if they can give you a good deal with the food. They are really good and they cater for elegant events like this."

"Thanks mom," I said appreciatively.

"Good luck! If you need anything just call me, okay?"

"I will, bye mom, love you!"

"I love you too, more than anything. Bye, honey," she affirmed, then I heard the short beep that indicated that the call was over. So, I just plopped myself on the couch in the living room and turned the TV on.

My long-awaited rest was ephemeral because moments after I was engrossed in the show I was watching, I heard an angry voice yell, "Calista Sophia Jesson, you are in so much fucking trouble. When I am done with you, you are going to wish you were dead!"     

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