The Masquerade Ball Part 2

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I was about to say something back, but the girl I was supposed to be leading to the restroom, rudely asked, "So, where is the bathroom exactly?"

I gave Mason a quick thumbs up and motioned with my finger that I will catch up with him later.

"Sorry," I shifted my attention to the girl, "We are going right now."

After leading her to the restroom, and mingling with a bunch of other people, I decided that I needed a break. All this smiling was giving me a headache. So, I took off and headed to the gazebo that I so diligently decorated, and leaned on the railing, staring at the party that was happening in front of me. Everybody was having such a grand time, and I was so happy that so many more people found their mates tonight. It wasn't just Mason and Victoria. But even though the entire area was beaming with happiness, I couldn't help but feel a little sad and a little lonely too.

"You look gorgeous," Axel said behind me. Wait, Axel? I swiftly turned around to see him staring at me. I saw his eyes trail all the way down my body then back up again. All of a sudden, a wave of nervousness hit me. And the way that Axel was looking at me wasn't helping. It was almost like he was drinking me up.

"You don't look too bad yourself," I complemented the best I could. I was already too nervous, and I didn't want to say something that will only add to my embarrassment. I was happy to see that he was dressed up in a beautiful black suit with a rose boutonnière. "What are you doing here?" I quietly asked him, hoping to have him say that he couldn't stay away. That he wanted to apologize for the fight. That he wanted to spend tonight with me.

"I wanted to make sure that everything was running smoothly around here. I didn't think that staying away from pack grounds would have been the best decision. Our pack is pretty vulnerable tonight as the borders are open," he responded. I couldn't help but feel disappointed. When am I going to understand that the pack always comes first with Axel?

"Well, then you should probably go do your Alpha business. You won't be able to accomplish anything here," I despondently spoke. I really tried not to let my disappointment seep through. But, I was hoping the mask I was wearing would hide my facial expressions from my mate.

Even though I was expecting him to leave, he started walking towards me instead. I was already leaning against the railing of the gazebo, so there was no where for me to go. When he stopped walking towards me, my chest was already being pressed up against his, and my butt was leaning on the railing. I smiled awkwardly, not knowing what else to do. With that, he grabbed my waist with both his hands and pulled me closer towards him.

"I'm sorry," he stated.

"Excuse me?" I asked in disbelief. I wasn't expecting him to back down of this fight. I was the one who wanted to apologize to him.

"I'm sorry for every terrible thing that has happened to you since you got here. And I am sorry I was the reason all those terrible things happened to you in the first place. I'm sorry that I made you cry. I'm sorry that you felt you weren't enough. I'm sorry for so many things," he apologized, lifting his hand to caress my cheek, and tucking the stray lock of hair behind my ear.

"You are just saying that because I look pretty tonight. I have my hair and makeup done, and I'm wearing a pretty dress. You don't really mean that," I answered, losing my self-confidence little by little. Is he drunk or something?

"I'm serious though."

All this time, I had been avoiding eye contact with him. And even though he was holding me flush against his body, I was able to find a way to keep my eyes from chaining themselves to his. But, for some reason, I looked up at him, hopeful that we have amended our relationship. Hopeful that we have forgiven each other for not being the best versions of ourselves. When my eyes met his beautiful green orbs, I felt my body go weak, and I thanked the heavens that he had a choking hold on me.

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