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Because a hand was clamped down on my mouth, I started flailing around like a mad woman. I needed to get out of this grip.

"Calista, for fuck's sake, calm down," the unfamiliar voice said. Oh my God! How does he know my name? Why is he in the tunnels? I thought only Alphas and Betas know about this.

I kept trying to resist, thrashing my arms and kicking my legs, hopefully to inflict some pain. But, it wasn't working.

God, haven't I had enough in one day? First the Trials, and now this!

"Mmmmmm," I tried to yell, but it came out as mumbles.

"Listen, Calista, if you stop resisting, I will let go of you. Just calm down. I am not going to hurt you. Just calm down," he urgently spoke.

I stopped moving around, hoping that what he was saying was true. He finally unclasped his hand from my mouth, allowing me to turn around and look at my culprit.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?" I spit out too angry to try to reason with him.

"Easy tiger, I'm Tyler," he said, with a smile on his face.

"Uh huh," I said, still having no idea who this person is, "Well, if you will excuse me I have somewhere to be," I told him as I walked past him, trying to get out of this situation. What if he is a murderous psycho looking for his next prey? But, I had to warn the pack that the tunnels have been infiltrated. If an idiot like this guy can get in, then the pack is in danger.

"Wait, what?" Tyler said surprised. "You do know who I am, right?" Why is he getting offended all of a sudden.

"Um, no, Tyler, I have no clue who you are or what you are doing here," I replied back, my worry that this man is dangerous increasing by the minute. Realizing that my phone is still in my hand, I clicked on Corrine's name to warn her and the rest of the pack. As I saw her name on the screen, I saw his eyes divert to my hand, and he frowned.

"Well, I'm offended!" He admitted angrily.

"Excuse me?"

"I can't believe that Axel didn't tell his mate about me, especially after everything that happened," he said with a pout.

"I'm sorry, were you like his boyfriend or something before I came along?" I knew it was a stretch that this guy could have been Axel's boyfriend, but it was nice to see him squirm.

"Boyfriend? No, I wasn't his boyfriend! Ugh that prick. I can't believe it! You don't know anything about me? Not even a little bit? C'mon I'm sure he has mentioned me, I'm Alpha Henderson," he introduced himself again. Okay, that doesn't really help, but why does that sound familiar?

"I still have no clue who you are. But, don't take it personally. Axel and I barely talked anyway, so please don't be offended that the very minimal conversations that we had were not about you. Anyway, I really need to go, and time is of the essence," I said shoving past him, really freaked out that he knows more about me than just my name.

"Did he not mention that I was his former Delta? I'm sure he mentioned at least that," he pressed further.

"You were his Delta? I had no idea this pack even had one." I asked with surprise. But that doesn't mean that this guy can be trusted. If this man was Axel's former Delta, he would have been kicked out of the pack. But then, how is he an Alpha now? Is he here to exact some kind of revenge? What should I do? I need to get out of here and tell someone.

"Axel Knight is such an asshole," he pouted again as he kicked a pebble that was on the ground. I heard it make a couple of noises before it rested back on the ground. That was super mature. Good job Alpha Henderson! I think he was able to sense the annoyance radiating off me.

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