Saving Face

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As I woke up, I looked up and saw that he was awake. I leaned over him to check the time and saw that it was 8am.

"How are you feeling?" he gently asked.

"I'm fine. I guess," I answered while removing the wet towel that was on my forehead. Seeing my slightly confused face, Axel informed me that I had a little episode while I was sleeping and my body was sweating profusely. He didn't know what to do so he placed the wet, icy towel on my forehead, hoping to lessen the effects of my heat.

"Did you get any sleep?" I looked up at him, knowing that the answer was no. There is no way that his body was getting any rest with continued exposure to silver. And if he keeps this up, the side effects of doing this are going to be absolutely horrendous.

"No, but I am not tired," he said. I sucked in a breath, knowing that I am partly blame for this. I glanced up at his neck and saw that the necklace was no longer around his neck. As though he read my mind, he informed me, "I removed it and wrapped it around my wrist. It was starting to get too painful, and I didn't want to become too weak. I still have to be on full alert as Alpha. I was just taking a break from the silver."

I was expecting that his wolf would resurface a couple minutes after removing the silver. "Are you sure that you are going to be fine? Is there a chance that you will permanently lose your wolf? Maybe you should just go and rest. I will be fine here, just give me your shirt or something and your scent should help me." I didn't realize that I was starting to cry, until I felt his thumb caress my cheek and wipe the tear away. Even though I was embarrassed to be crying, yet again, I thought that it was understandable and blamed the pain and the stupid heat hormones! Stupid heat! Stupid mate bond! Stupid everything!

"Calista, I am fine, and I won't permanently lose my wolf. That's ridiculous. I'm alpha of the blood Venom pack, a little silver won't hurt me. I refuse." he chuckled. "Anyway, I received word from Alpha Henderson that they found his daughter. Tom, one of my warriors, was able to sniff out a rogue who, after some torture, told us where the girl was. She wasn't hurt badly, but they were using her as leverage against her father." At that moment, two things made me extremely happy. The first was that the girl was finally home and safe with her family. But, the second was that Axel didn't break my word to Alpha Henderson even though I had embarrassed him and was very out of line. I was genuinely happy and released a pretty high-pitched squeal, while flailing my legs on the bed.

"Alpha, this is great news!"

"Yeah, and he said that he wanted to thank you personally. I told him you were severely punished for what you said over the phone, and that you are not in a position to talk right now, but you will when you feel better."

"What! Why did you do that?" I asked annoyed.

"To save face," he answered bluntly. I rolled my eyes at him and discovered that there will always be something with Axel that will cause a happy mood to be disturbed. 

"Oh, okay"

He was about to tell me something when we heard a knock on the door. Because of my heat, my senses were a little stunted and I couldn't make out who was on the other side of the door. Axel got off the bed and headed towards the door swinging it wide open.

"Thank God you are okay!" I heard Mason say. I straightened myself up in bed to be able to see what was going on, and what I saw was as surprising as it was cute: Mason had his arms around Axel, hugging him.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Axel replied, sounding a bit confused.

"I was trying to mind link you but I couldn't sense your wolf at all, and I was worried that you were hurt. I was able to follow your scent here, though," Mason explained, letting go of Axel.

"Silver," Axel said, lifting his hand to show Mason the silver pendant. "Callista is in heat, and I needed to control my wolf. You should probably go, I know how hard it is to stop your wolf from taking control, and I guess her heat is getting to you since your eyes are changing colors. We'll talk later. There is something important that I need to talk to you about anyway," Axel elucidated. I was really curios to what Axel wanted to discuss with Mason, but I thought that I would be a little out of line to ask.

"OK. Also, can you make sure that Calista knows that the shipment for the decorations arrived a little while ago. I let them come on the territory by the way. That is what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Sure. Thanks, Mase," I head Axel say as he closed the door, then glancing at me he said, "Decorations are here."

"I heard. I just didn't want to interrupt your conversation. What did you want to tell me earlier before Mason knocked on the door?" I inquired.

"Oh, I, um, I wanted to tell you to, um, drop the 'Alpha,'" he said.

"What?" I asked surprised.

"Just call me Axel." 

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