Alcohol Understands Me

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Mason left to retrieve Axel's grandpa, and Jace and Tyler followed suite, hoping to give Axel the space that he needs. Jace gave me one of the boyish nods of acknowledgement with his head before he headed out. I guess we don't hate each other now. 

I didn't want to leave Axel, and I didn't know if I should let his grandfather and him have a private chat. But, if Axel does not ask me to leave, then I won't. It may not be my place, but I am done being clueless about everything. I am done being passive. I need to be strong, and thus I need information.

As we were waiting for him to come, I saw Axel grab a bottle of scotch and fill up the glass, as he chugged it in one swing before setting it down and filling it up again.

"Forget the drink, talk to me instead" I said, grabbing the drink out of his hand. I didn't want to be too demanding or controlling, but alcohol wasn't going to solve his problems. It is not the way to cope, and it won't help him anyway.

"This won't get me drunk. I have Alpha blood," he shrugged, as he started drinking straight out of the bottle.

"Enough alcohol will eventually affect you. And not in the good way," I said. 

With my newfound determination, I approached him and snatched the bottle right out of his hands before throwing it against the wall.

"This shit," I said while pointing to the broken glass on the floor, "This is not going to solve your problems. I am right here, you can talk to me. And, if you don't feel comfortable talking to me, then you can find a professional to talk to. But, whatever crap you were just drinking isn't going to help you!"

I could see his eyes flashing to gold and back, his dominant side not liking what just happened, and all of a sudden, I had a flashback of every interaction Axel and I had when we first met in which I would do something stupid, his wolf side would take over, and I would submit in fear. This time though, I wasn't scared, I was going to stand my ground.

"You want to talk. Then, yeah let's talk, Calista. Do you know what it's like to grow up thinking that the only reason you are even alive is because your mother is dead? Do you know what it's like knowing that your father chose to kill himself than to be with you? Do you know what it feels like to have your whole existence contingent on that fact that your family is dead. I was living with that shit, and I was starting to accept it. I had a great pack, and I had found my mate. then, all of a sudden, I find out that not only did my mother die, but I could have had a sister or brother. Instead, I lost that too. My life was a mistake." As he said this, his voice broke, and I saw a lone tear trail down his cheek.

"Don't talk like that. Please, Axel, understand that what happened all those years ago, was not your fault. Please don't blame yourself." I said as I held his hands and interlaced out fingers.

"Forgive me Calista, but this shit I'm drinking understands me."

"And you ask me why I didn't tell you where the files your dad left were. I know you, just like I knew your father. I knew how you would react. I knew you would blame yourself for something that was out of your control." I heard an unfamiliar voice speak behind me.

I whipped my head around and saw that it was a slightly older man, probably in his sixties or seventies, shaking his head at Axel. I guess this is his grandpa.

"So, I was right, you were trying to keep these things from me." Axel quipped back, swirling his whiskey around in the glass before downing it.

"Well, yes, but only for your own good." His grandfather answered back. "Hey darling, I didn't know you came back," he directed to me. Oh, this may be bad, Axel's grandfather is technically a Council member, and he knows that I am here.

I just smiled at him, not entirely sure how to react. Then, he extended his arm out to me, "My name is Arthur Knight. I am this idiot's grandfather. It is nice to officially meet you, Calista."

I shook his hand back, glad that he likes me. I think. With that, I sat next to Arthur on the couch in Axel's office, and prepared to stay silent and listen to everything that Arthur had to tell us.

"Grandpa, cut the crap, did you know about mom being pregnant?"

"Listen, boy, behave. I don't know who you think you are talking to your grandpa like that," Arthur said calmly.

"Just answer the question!" Axel said exasperatedly, yet his demeanor obviously changed to show his grandpa some respect, especially as he put down the glass and shoved the whiskey bottle away.

"Of course I did. Unlike you two, your father and mother were all over each other from the minute they met. And it was easy to tell when she was pregnant. Your father would not let her do anything from the minute he found out she was pregnant throughout both her pregnancies."

"Don't judge with my relationship with my mate. Did you know what the sex of the baby was?"

"Your mom was pregnant with a baby girl," Arthur maintained his calm exterior as he broke the news to his grandchild. However, I could see Axel struggling to accept this information.

"Listen son, what happened the day your mother died, was the worst day this pack had ever seen, and it took a very huge toll on your dad," Arthur continued.

"Can you tell me everything that happened? I want to know," Axel pleaded.

"You know what happened though," Arthur countered.

"Not the details. I need the details of what happened on the worst day in Blood Venom history." Axel asked again. 

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