Chapter 18: S.P.E.W Revised

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I remained on cloud nine for the next few days. Everybody could see my radiant smile and cheery mood. Draco said it was infectious because he too remained positive. According to him, this was the longest he had been happy in years.

I sometimes felt guilty about having left my twin in that hellhole my family calls manor. Within its gloomy walls and dark tainted atmosphere, anybody would have lost their joyousness. I wondered how I stayed in that place for 11 years.

Anyways, my classes with Harry had been going perfectly well. He too seemed happy- he claimed that there were two reasons for it.

"We are doing something right under Umbridge's nose and she doesn't know about it. I feel great knowing I have changed things," claimed Harry. He looked at me in the eye and said, "Two, I get to know you more."

I swear, in that moment, my heart skipped beats.

Harry had said about my house-elf views to Hermione. She was very happy to find someone who shared her opinion that she forgot about my 'act'. She was coming to speak to me while I was standing with my brother in the Charms corridor. Seeing her approaching, Draco sneered, "What do you want, mudblood?"

"Draco!" I chided. He looked at me, shock registering his face. "You don't have you spoil your tongue for anybody. You are better than that."

He looked at me with uncertainty but his eyes held pride. I knew that he had wanted to come out of this facade. When I had left, he had started following father's footsteps blindly, losing his own identity. He had now started to become the old Draco he always was- compassionate, cunning and intelligent though cocky and being spoilt was also present. The lack of true friends also boasted it.

He slowly nodded and then looked at Hermione. In a slightly softer tone, he asked, "What do you want?"

She looked at me and said hesitantly, "I wanted St-Malfoy to know that she wouldn't need any more Arithmancy classes. She is good enough to continue."

The fact that she had said about the non-existent Arithmancy assured me that she wanted to talk about something else personally. I nodded and said to Draco, "You go ahead... I need to go somewhere."

"Where? I will come with you," Draco said, glancing at Hermione.

"You want to come to the girl's bathroom?" I asked innocently. He turned red and mumbled, "See you in the common room."

Fighting the urge to laugh, I made my way to the girl's bathroom and waited. Within two minutes, Hermione came.

"You know I was planning to be disowned after a few years," I teased her. She blushed and said, "Sorry! I was so excited that I forgot to see who you were with."

I laughed. "It's okay. Now, what did you want to talk about?"

"Harry told me that you want house-elves to be free," she asked excitedly. I slowly nodded, not seeing where this was going. "I created a club called S.P.E.W- Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare. Your participation would be really wonderful in it."

"Okay, 'Mione, hold your horses. First thing, have you had permission for Umbridge for this society?"

She sheepishly looked at the floor.

"I will take that as a no. So, what are you doing in it?" I asked, enthusiastically. Anything that defied Umbridge was good enough for me.

"Umm... I have been knitting socks, scarves, and hats for the school house-elves. They have been disappearing from the common room every night. They are becoming free," she squeaked.

I frowned- that is why Dobby was so overdressed. Plus, she is taking incorrect measures.

"Don't mind this 'Mione but you are taking wrong steps." When she frowned, I continued, "Look it's in their nature to work and they like being bonded- they will feel insulted if you hide clothes in an attempt to free them."

She argued, "They don't want to be freed because they haven't had freedom. I mean, look at Dobby, he is so happy now. When they see the other side, they will know about it."

I sighed. She is not going to be convinced so easily. Maybe I should try a different approach.

"Hermione, how do you feel about flying?"

"Scared," she shuddered.

"See, you don't like flying but there are people who do. They feel that if you could see what an exhilarating experience it is, then they may change your mind. But has it happened?"

She frowned and shook her head.

"The same is with house-elves- they don't like certain things- it's in their nature," I concluded.

"But I don't like the way people treat them- as if they have no feelings and emotions."

I sighed and said, "You have to change people's mentality about this. But I won't deny that there are some elves who want to be freed. It's not that they don't like to work- they just need to be respected. And honestly, when they see what you are doing for them, they will find it insulting.

"First off, I would suggest you write letters and articles to the necessary department in the ministry. Start by showing them their importance and how ill-treated they are. And also, you can find out about the elves who value freedom- we can work on freeing them then, okay?"

She nodded and asked, "Who will be such elves?"

"I would suggest you look into pure-blood families starting with the sacred 28. We can get some idea and then start working, okay?"

"Okay," she nodded. Just as I was starting to leave, she held me and asked, "Do you want a batch of S.P.E.W?"

"Hermione, I just said I don't want to be disowned so soon."

"Oh right," she shrugged and let me go.

I smiled at her and said, "You are doing a noble work, Hermes. Don't lose your determination."

She smiled back. While I was going, I suddenly remembered something. Deciding that it was payback time, I kidnapped Hermione and took her to the bathroom.

"Are you serious?" she huffed.

I laughed and replied, "No, I am Stella."


"Anyways, I wanted to say that I have seen you guys come to other's house tables a lot. It might lead to suspicion. In fact, if I am not wrong, Umbridge already is- whoever told her about this meeting must have told the names of people as well, don't you think?"

She bit her lip and said, "You are right. What should we do then?"

"We need to devise a method of communication and also that would not look suspicious at all," I said.

"Hmm... let's think."

"Tell you what Hermione- let's think about it tonight and meet at the ROR at 11?" I asked. Seeing her horrified expression, I asked disbelievingly, "Don't let me you haven't walked these corridors at night."

"No, I have. I am surprised you are willing to do this," she clarified. I rolled my eyes and said, "I love adventures."

She smiled and said, "I will take Harry's invisibility cloak- I think Harry told you about it. Are you sure you won't have any problems?"

I just smiled cheekily and left.

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