Chapter 35- Zabini Manor

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I decided to spend sometime with Blaise as he had been the only person except Hermione who genuinely seemed to cared for me. I found him sitting alone in a compartment, reading a book titled, "How to make house-elves comfortable."

I felt like laughing as well as smiling at his ingenuity and caring nature. I knocked on the door and asked, "May I come in Master?"

"Of course Stella and please call me Blaise," he said gently. I acted as though I was going to burst into tears. He seemed to caught on on what I was doing cause he hastily ordered, "Don't cry, please."

The look of dread on his face made me laugh out loud. He looked confused which made me laugh even harder. 

"I am alright now," I said laughing. 

He sighed and said, "Thank Salazar! Anyways, how are you?"

"I am good now," I replied sincerely.

"Good... Have you, er, spoken to Draco or anyone as yet?" He asked hesitantly.

I nodded stiffly, "Yes and I wanted to ask you something."

"Sure. What is it?"

"Before I do that, I want to thank you," I said gently, taking his hands. He felt warm and this caused him to smile widely. Grinning I continued, "You were there for me when no one was."

"I feel lucky to be by your side, Madam," he squeaked in an elfish tone, making us both laugh.

"I wanted to ask if I could stay at your place for sometime? I mean I will leave the day before Christmas," I added.

He smiled even wider if that was possible and nodded enthusiastically. 

"You are welcome anytime and I am sure mother would love to meet you," he said.

I grinned and we continued to share our stories for the rest of the ride, not leaving each others' hands.

When we reached London, I excused myself to inform my parents about my decision. I didn't know what their reaction would be but I needed sometime alone. I found them waiting for me at a secluded corner with Draco who was staring determined at the ground.

"Mother, father," I greeted them. They nodded back in response and smiled. Draco didn't look up. "If you don't mind, I want to stay for some days with Blaise Zabini."

They frowned. Draco looked even more upset.

"Is something wrong, sweety?" Mother asked.

"Actually, yes. I don't think I know the meaning of family anymore," I said coolly. Draco looked up at this and I was surprised to see unshed tears in his eyes. But I was hurt more than he could ever imagine. "You can ask Draco for further details."

They exchanged glanced and turned towards me. "We respect your decision and reasons," father said slowly. "Be back before Christmas."

I nodded and went back to Blaise. He waiting expectently for me along with a beautiful woman. She smiled when she saw me. 

"Hello, I am Blaise's mother," she shook my hands politely.

"I am Stella Malfoy," I replied.

"Shall we?" She asked, holding out a hand for me. The familiar feeling of apparation blocked my senses for a second before disappearing. When I opened my eyes, I was standing in front of a beautiful manor whose size was almost as large as mine. 

I spent my time with Blaise and her mother, who was estactic to have me. She shared stories about her husbands and their deaths- which remained a mystery till death. She was a pleasant lady and seemed to like me as well.

Blaise and I spent a lot of our time together and the more I spoke to him, the more I liked him. He made me forget about my heart-break even though Harry was still on my mind. He eased my pain.

The day before I was leaving Blaise asked me for a date- and again, quite nervously I might add. I chuckled at his adorable behaviour. As I got dressed in a blue bodycon dress and bronze high heels, I grew nervous.  

I suddenly realised how much I had changed. Instead of the girl who always used to focus on pranks and studies, making herself powerful- giving time to everything except herself, I found myself thinking about MY future. My friends, my family, my love life- I had become more myself. It didn't mean that I had become self-centered, just that I have time to myself now. I felt justified.

I found Blaise near the front gate waiting for me dressed in a white shirt and denims. He looked handsome and smiled when I entered.

"You look great," he complimented. I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"You too, Mr. Zabini," I said cheekily. "Lead the way, sir."

He obliged and took me to a posh restaurant where we had a lovely dinner. We spoke throughout the dinner and enjoyed each others company. His hand never left mine and neither did our smiles.

After the dinner, we went for a walk and I found myself at an orchid. I looked around in wonder- there were flowers everywhere and they seemed to be glowing. I realised they were magical which only added to its beauty.

"It's- it's amazing Blaise," I whispered. He replied, looking at me, "I know."

As I blushed at his actions, he put a hand on my waist and brought me closer to him. I was looking down and was red by this time- see I had changed! I was red! He cupped his other hand to my chin and slowly lifted it upwards. 

I suddenly felt myself getting lost into his brown eyes and for the first time, a certain wizard with emerald green eyes didn't enter my mind.

He dipped down and leaned in towards me. I closed my eyes and leaned in as well. I really liked him and I wanted to go a step ahead. I waited for the impact and sure enough after a few seconds, I felt his warm lips on me. I lifted my arms and brought it around his neck. We continued kissing till we pulled back. 

I opened my eyes to find myself drowning again into his eyes. The next thing I knew I was kissing him again. I don't remember how long we stayed like this but it was mesmerising.

When we had finally pulled back, he asked me, looking in the eye, full of sincerity, "Will you do the honour of being my girlfriend?"

"I will," I replied back with a genuine smile.

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