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 In the summer of 1980, amidst the terror of dark times, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy gave birth to twins. Draco Lucius Malfoy became the elder brother to Stella Carina Malfoy by 5 minutes.

From the time they could talk, it was made clear to them that they were triply special: firstly as a wizard and a witch, secondly as purebloods, and thirdly as members of the Malfoy family. Though Draco had an affinity towards their father's cold exterior, Stella did not share the same view. However, she was intelligent enough not to voice her views, lest she be treated like the house-elves or disowned. She had often heard stories of their Aunt Andromeda who was disowned for marrying a muggle-born and of their Uncle Sirius who was 'practically a mudblood lover'. She, thus, spent her days in the forlorn manor hiding her true self from the world.

In reality, she was a prankster who enjoyed scaring her brother and teasing her mother. She was highly mature for her age and knew when to draw the line. She always made sure that her mischievous side was never shown in front of her father who would surely reprimand her for it. Her mother was always charmed by her attitude. She would always make her laugh even in the gloomiest of times. She was her light, her Firefly.

Stella showed signs of magic at an early age. When she was five, she learned that she was a metamorphagus. Her hair had turned yellow from excitement when she had ridden a broomstick for the first time. Fortunately, nobody saw this as they were busy tending to the injuries of 'Young Master Malfoy' who had fallen from his broomstick. She had always kept her identity concealed because she knew that her father would use her power against humanity.

Stella loved reading books and due to her photographic memory, she knew more spells and curses than any fifth year at Hogwarts. Even though she did not have a wand, she practised curses wandlessly. With time, she became adept at performing magic without the need for a wand. Not only this, but she figured out that she had control over the elements of nature. She tried very hard to understand her new power but no matter how hard it was, she was never able to fully comprehend it. Yet, her determination never wavered. With each failure, she was only encouraged to try harder. However, she had kept all of her practices, powers and pranks hidden from the world.

After 10 years of such slavery, her life changed when she met an old wizard with a long silver beard and crooked nose. His blue eyes were light, bright and sparkling behind his half-moon spectacles, giving the feeling of being scrutinized.

"You're Albus Dumbledore, the greatest wizard in mankind!" Stella exclaimed, forgetting her 'character' for a while, being in the presence of such a remarkable soul. Embarrassed and angry at her behaviour she spoke, "Pardon me for my excitement. I am Stella Malfoy. Do you wish to speak to my father?"

Dumbledore, highly amused by the girl said, "No, my dear child. I would like to talk to you if you don't mind. You see, I know of your troubles and plagues. I wish to offer you a way in which you will be able to prove yourself to the right side and not be ashamed of your family's views."

"How did you know about it?" She had always ensured that her attitude remained in check.

"I have my own ways," said Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling.

Hmm, they definitely don't call him the brightest wizard of his age for nothing. His benevolence and kindness make me believe him, thought Stella.

"Alright what is the offer?"

"For that my dear we need to go to my office at Hogwarts where I will explain everything. You don't have to keep up with your 'manners' in front of me. But, you cannot tell about this to anyone especially anyone in your family. The task is going to be very difficult. Are you willing to take it?"

After some thought, she agreed.

"Now hold onto my arm. We are going to apparate. I believe you know what that is."

She nodded. She felt being squeezed in through a tube. She couldn't breathe but she kept her calm, trusting the old man. As soon as the feeling came, it left and she tumbled down on all fours, gasping for air.

"You have reacted fairly better than others on their first apparition. They usually end up hurling," he said chuckling.

"I wonder why!"

She got up and looked at her surroundings. She was in a large and beautiful circular room, full of funny little trinkets. A number of curious silver instruments stood on spindle-legged tables, whirring and emitting little puffs of smoke. The walls were covered with portraits of old headmasters and headmistresses, all of whom were snoozing gently in their frames. There was also an enormous, claw-footed desk, and, sitting on a shelf behind it, a shabby, tainted wizard's hat. She felt serene and calm.

"Now take a seat and let's talk."  

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