Chapter 27- New Friends

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I made my way to the castle and searched for the toad everywhere. I had combed her office, the great hall, the DADA class and Headmaster's office before I went to my dorm. I checked my television and found out that she had received some sort of letter during our match. She had walked out of her office with a triumphant smile.

I couldn't see or relate it to anything but I had a gut feeling it was because of McGonagall denying her authority. Feeling defeated I went to the common room where Bletchley came bounding to me. I was surprised at his excitement- we had just lost, hadn't we? In fact, as I looked around, I saw people looked joyous, contrary to what I had seen some hours ago.

"Guess what happened?" he asked excitedly, showing his sick yellow teeth.

I mentally cringed and forced myself to ask, "What?"

"Umbridge banned those Weasleys twins and Potter from playing Quidditch," he said excitedly.

My blood ran cold. That wretched woman was trying every way to make his life miserable. This will only make him more frustrated, giving the Kraken greater domination and easier possession.

And the Weasley's- they had suffered enough because of me- my prank and my speech, their mother's howler, ban from Quidditch and the worst no joke shop.

"And you know the best part?" he asked, while I kept my face blank.

"What?" I dreaded the answer.

"It's a lifetime ban," he squeaked. Yes, I dreaded it a lot.

Sparing him a grin, I rushed to my dorm. I pulled out a piece of parchment and started writing:

"Dear Authur and Molly Weasley,

Thank you for your concern and well-wishes. You would be glad to know that I am doing well now.

You asked me if you could do anything for me. Well, yes, you can- please give Fred and George the permission to develop their joke shop.

With the ban on Quidditch, this is the only thing that will help them survive Umbridge's role. Plus this was the first time their joke had backfired so badly and everybody should get a second chance, right?

You must be thinking why I am asking for this. Well, when you are born a Malfoy, your dreams aren't exactly asked. You are forced to a certain way of life, no matter how much you hate it. I know what it's like to have your dream seized away and I don't want anyone to feel it.

The decision ultimately rests in your hand but do think about what I said.


Stella Malfoy

P.S The fudge was terrific. Could you send me the recipe one day, please?

P.P.S Don't reply back- Umbridge has been checking our mail."

I made my way to the Owlery and was going to attach it to a school owl when I stopped. What if Umbitch reads my letter? She definitely read Harry's, but she probably won't read mine. I shouldn't take any chances- I haven't exactly said that she was the Queen of England after all.

I placed a charm that would make the letter seem blank to anyone save the recipients. I quickly tied the letter and watched it slowly dissolve into darkness. I thought about the three boys who must be dumped right now. I saw the gamekeeper Hagrid's door open and close but no one entering. Was the trio behind this? It made sense that they would see him. I also saw three sets of footprints in the snow- yes, it was them.

An idea came to my mind and I visualised the snitch I had seen in the game before. I 'accoied' it and it came wheezing to my hand. I grinned at its fluttering effort to get away. I put it inside one of the bags, thinking about the best Christmas gift Harry was going to get- both from Stella as well as the Dark Angel.

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