Chapter 41- Snape's Secret

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We apparated back to Dumbles office and settled down. I felt joyful in contrast to the feeling of anger that had overwhelmed me a few hours ago. I smiled at the professors but did a double back, finally noticing and thinking about Snape’s presence.

My bulging eyes made him roll his eyes and said, “I am on your side as well. I see now why Dumbledore was least bothered about you even when I had reported him about your power. I took you to as a liability- even greater than the Dark Lord- considering that he was never able to break my barrier of Occumulency.”

I grinned and commented smugly, “I may have broken his as well.”

Now, it was the turn of his eyes to bulge. I smirked but it suddenly turned into a frown. How could I believe him?

“You still don’t believe Professor Snape I see, Stella,” Dumbles said.

I sighed and nodded. I didn’t! And he has seen too much. He could report it to the Kraken and our whole operation can fail.

“Well then, I think it is time for my story to be told as well,” said Snape. He stood up and started pacing.

“Yes, I truly adored dark arts; I was one of the Dark Lord’s most loyal servant- but not anymore. When I was young, around ten years of age or so, I met the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had bright flaming red hair and almond shaped emerald green eyes. She was beautiful not only from outside but from inside as well. She was brave and compassionate, loving yet ferocious- any boy's dream girl.

“It turned out that she too was a witch- a muggle-born. While her elder sister became jealous of her gifts she turned to me for comfort and we became great friends. Actually, she was my only friend. But when we came to Hogwarts, everything changed. She was sorted into Gryffindor while I was placed in Slytherin. Yet, we remained friends.

“She never liked bullies and protected me when those Marauders came hurting me. She stood up for me when no one else did. When my housemates started to ignore and tease me because I was hanging out with a Muggle-born and moreover, a Gryffindor, I started to distant myself from her. I became indulged in dark arts staying with my new ‘friends’ company. Countless times, she asked me not to be with them but I ignored her. She had true friends in Gryffindor- people who cared for her, while no one ever gave me a second glance- not even my own family.

"But things got out of hand one day during our fifth year. We had just finished our Defence Against Dark Arts O.W.L and I was resting under a tree. The Marauders being bullies decided to ‘have fun with me’ as they were getting bored. They floated me upside down and made soap bubbles come out of my mouth. They were going to pull my pants down when she came by my side to stop them. I was hurt and angry- I wanted to prove that I could defend myself, without anyone’s help. And in my anger, I did the unthinkable.”

He drew a deep breath and was quiet for a moment. His hands were clenched into fists as though thinking of that memory hurt him. It probably did! But now I think of it, he had gone through enough! He had been bullied his entire life- never shown love or compassion. I felt ashamed of the acts I had pulled on him these few months- he didn’t deserve them. And also, I felt angry- angry at the Marauders whom I thought were mischievous and pranksters but not arrogant bullies. They hadn’t done the right thing!

“Stella, they changed in their last year. I know you feel angry but they became sensible human beings later. They regret the actions they have done. Now stop thinking about it,”Dumbles told me sharply. That man understood me too well!

“Please continue Severus,” he asked him gently.

He nodded and took a deep breath.

“I called her a mud-blood.”

Even I took a sharp intake of breath at this! Had he literally fouled the only person who stood for him, who cared for him?

“Our friendship ended that very moment. I knew I had made a huge mistake in my anger but I couldn’t help it at that moment. I tried to apologize to her to a million times but she never forgave me. I had lost everything that day and I had no one to guide me in the right direction.

“As she never spoke to me, I turned to my ‘friends’ for comfort who only led me to a darker path. I became engrossed in dark arts- never looking back once. She started dating one of the Marauders and eventually married him. That was the end point for me. I became a Death Eater.”

“Wait a minute! The only Marauder who got married was James Potter. So, the woman you loved was-”

“Yes, Lily Evans- the love of my life. The only sunshine in my bleak world,” he said. He was on verge of tears. “Lily got married and had a child while I continued to delve more into Dark Arts. I became one of Dark Lord’s most loyal and trusted follower. I got everything I wanted- power and respect; something that the Marauders had stripped from me.

“But one day when I was in Hogsmeade Head, I overheard a woman conveying a prophecy to Dumbledore- The Dark Lord’s fall by a child. However, I was caught by Dumbledore's brother, Aberforth. Before he could capture me, I managed to escape and convey the same to my master. When he heard this, he was sure that it said of the Potter’s child. I grew panicked- I never wanted my Lily to die. I still loved her.

“I begged the Dark Lord to let her live and he agreed although reluctantly. It was that day I realized that he would never stop- he would only become more powerful- kill millions, if necessary. He would only torment the world. He lacked love and compassion and nothing would ever change that. So, I turned to the only person who could help me- Dumbledore. He was the only person who could have believed my change of heart. And he did.

“That is who I am today! My heart still beats for my Lily whom I couldn’t save. But I pledged to not let her sacrifice go in vain. I will protect Harry Potter and all that he stands for till my dying breath, even though he is that Potter's spawn who bullied me.”

I stood shackled by his words! He was a changed man- a good man and I applaud him for who he has become.

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