Chapter 26- Gryffindor vs Slytherin

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I was released from the hospital wing a few days later after a lot of pleading and interference from the headmaster. Even if I wouldn’t have released, I would have escaped some way today. Why? Because it is the Quidditch match.

“Please Madam Pomfrey, I need to see my brother’s first match. And also need to tease him when he losses,” I pleaded.

“No, Ms Malfoy... you need to rest,” she said sternly.

“C’mon Miss, I have been resting for six days- lying on the bed all day all night," I said dramatically. "I am all good now, see."

“Poppy, I don’t think she will stop pestering you until you dismiss her,” Dumbledore commented, chuckling.

Hey! I do not pester people. I pouted stubbornly at this, making even Madam Pomfrey chuckle. This only infuriated me further but thankfully she discharged me.

I still needed to speak to the twins as ‘Stella Malfoy’. I wouldn’t be fighting or anything- just speaking to them properly. I also had to reply to their parents.

I made my way to the great hall for breakfast where I found that the Slytherin team had left. However, I did get a huge round of applause from the rest of them which brought the whole attention to me. The Gryffindors looked ready to defend themselves while standing beside the twins and the Creeveys. Thinking about getting over this now, I went up to them and pulled myself to full height.

Looking at them both in the eye, I said, calmly, “I am just here to say that I didn’t like the way to avenged yourselves. You were way better than that. You let our stupid comments and hexes get to you. Honestly, your actions weren’t bad, it was pathetic.”

They didn’t reply but their eyes held guilt. I knew that they had no idea about the danger of their prank. I rolled my eyes when I heard an obnoxious Gryffindor say, “Yes, so you can cheat us, but we can’t?”

At this, the Gryffindors roared. I waited for them to calm down before answering, “Yes, you can’t because you are Gryffindors; not Slytherins. You don’t bite people behind their backs, you shout at them in front of their faces. You are the proud lions who stay majestic and calm- not deterred by their enemies and certainly, not provoked to stoop down to their levels. That day, when you pulled those buckets of ice over me, you went down! You chose the Slytherin way. It’s up to you now to choose your way.”

My speech had made the entire great hall freeze. The Gryffindors had finally seen their mistake and I was sure that they weren’t going to backstab again ever. I felt proud of it in fact.

Smiling I made my way to the pitch only to be stopped by Harry who was holding Ron. The latter looked lost and desperate.

“Hey, that was good,” he said. “And I am happy you aren’t wearing those awful badges.”

“What badges?” I asked curiously.

“You don’t know? You will know soon enough then. I am pretty sure you won’t be supporting them though. I know you,” he smiled.

I shrugged at it. I was overcome with the need to kiss him but I stopped myself and tried to end the conversation early.

“Well, good luck scarhead! You too, Ron! I hope Gryffindors win, but only this time, since I am not playing myself,” I wished and left, barely concealing my desire. I am so screwed.

I sat by Astoria and Daphene, who welcomed me. They were not wearing those badges of ‘Weasley is our king’. I knew that my brother must have made them. He had been so infuriated at them.  Oh, twins! What have you done?! He was trying to come out of his shell and now you have only pushed him further inside, making him colder.

Momentarily forgetting about him, I concentrated on the game. It came as a shock to me when I heard a song being hummed by the Slytherins. ‘Weasley is our king?’ I sighed- they were in no way going easy, huh? AND I am sure my brother can start composing music for ‘The Weird Sisters now. 

The song had definitely made Ron lose his self-confidence. He wasn’t able to save any goals and he let in the quaffle four times. I had to admit Draco did give Harry a tough competition but Harry was more talented than my brother and caught the snitch. However, he was trampled over by a blugder which made me worry.

Seeing my nervousness, Astoria asked, “Why are you so, er bouncy?”

Catching my act, I replied, “Just worried about Draco. You know he doesn’t take losses easy.”

“We know that very well,” Daphene sighed. She looked miserable over it- I didn’t know Draco meant so much to her. “He is going to rant about Potter for weeks.”

Okay, now I understood the sigh. She looked at the sky as if praying to Merlin to give her strength to his bear his complaints.

“I think I should check on my brother now. See you girls later,” I waved and made my way towards the pitch.

I listened to all the comments he made about Weasley’s parents and Harry’s mother. Enraged about losing and of their trickery, he had taken it a bit too far. Suddenly, Harry and George started hitting him. Okay, maybe he deserves it but I can’t see my twin becoming a pulp.

I found Madam Hooch talking to Crabbe. I quickly approached her and said, “Mam, my brother and some Gryffindors are fighting. Please do come.”

She took my words and we were greeted with the sight of three boys fighting. She cast the impedimenta jinx and forced them apart. I could see their bruises and cuts. She ordered them to visit Professor McGonagall. My brother was asked to visit the hospital wing. As soon as she was out of sight, my brother and his cronies started snickering. I gave them such vicious glares that they could probably feel my anger radiating. Draco stopped short at my sight and gulped. I was going to reprimand him when my watch ticked.

Closing my mouth, I made my way to the castle, but not before giving Draco a dirty look. I looked at my watch again. What had Umbitch done now?

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