Chapter 56- Finding the Trio

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Harry had suddenly started screaming bloody murder, not that I was surprised but I pretended to jump. He was escorted outside by the examiner even though the former was refusing any help. C'mon Harry! You can't do everything yourself. Accept help! 

He was in a state of panic- not that I could blame him- and so was I. I was jumping on my balls, too nervous to stay calm. Draco shot me a confused glance and then I had some sense to not raise suspicion. By the time the examination had finally gotten over, Harry had disappeared from the Entrance Hall. I scanned the whole area; he was nowhere to be seen. While some Gryffindors seemed slightly concerned about their housemate- except for Hermione and Ron who were as tensed as me, the rest of the fifth years passed it off as stress. 

But I knew it was far from stress. I could feel Harry being scared and dejected- wandering and searching. The feeling of anxiety and nervousness never leaving his side. But I couldn’t locate him- that was not a part of the service that my necklace served. I really need to make a similar version of Marauders Map, I swear! Or maybe I could ask Fred and George for the one I had given them. They wouldn't need it anymore, right?

Knowing that it was futile thinking of that extra-ordinary map, I contemplated logically, I pictured the places Harry might be at the moment. He could be in the Gryffindor common room- waiting for Hermione and Ron. He wouldn't go to the hospital wing- he was too selfless for that. And idiotic too! I made myself invisible and went to the said area. After slipping in when some second year Gryffindor gave the password, I scanned the house. The house was in a jovial state with the baggage of examination gone but there was no sign of a messy-haired boy. I even checked his dormitory but he wasn't present.

Okay, next option? Hospital wing? No, he is too proud to take medications willfully. Then where? Dumbles would have known where! 

Dumbles! Of course! I should have contacted him long ago. I quickly made my way to my dormitory for my bracelet. I couldn’t wear it in the examination due to all the detectors in the hall. My bracelet was a means of communication and hence, it could be caught as a means of cheating.

I dashed to the common room and ignored Blaise’s call. He tried to grab me in his arms but I slipped past it to my room. He will understand later! I quickly cast the muffliato spell and put on my bracelet.

“Dumbles! Are you there?” I asked fanatically.

“Yes, Armonia, tell me,” came his reply. Armonia? He must be with Hagrid then.

“Voldemort entered Harry’s mind and planted images of Sirius held kidnapped. He was being tortured in the Department of Mysteries,” was the only words I could utter to him as there was a knock on my door. Great timing!

“Someone is here! Take care of the situation. I will try to too,” I quickly said and closed the communication channel. I took a moment to calm myself down and went to the doorway.

It was Draco. Why is it that whenever I am in some important thing my dear brother interrupts? Does he sense it or what? Wait! Is it our twin connection? No, that's not possible. Our connection was also weak and it has only ebbed over the years. It can’t be that. Must be a coincidence!

“What?” I asked harshly, no longer able to contain my frustration towards him. He flinched at my tone and held up his hands in surrender.

“Headmistress said that someone had broken into her office. She requires our help in apprehending the culprits. You are a part of Inquisitorial Squad so you have to be there as part of your duty. But you are obviously exhausted so I am going to only ask you. Do you want to join?” he asked calmly.

It has to be the trio! Hermione must have been begging for confirmation from Sirius! That girl is intelligent! And now we can assess the situation as well- whether it’s true or false! She is a savior!

“Of course,” I agreed instantly. Draco looked at me suspiciously. After that fireflies’ episode, he had begun to look at me in a whole new limelight. And the fact that I was so fidgety after Harry was carried out of the hall only made him more suspicious. I should be careful around him.

 I rolled my eyes and replied, “Last time, I didn’t come for this sort of mission, I was framed for being part of an illegal society and, moreover, for helping Potter. I don’t wish to repeat that.”

He nodded convinced and we went to the common room. We were joined by a few more Slytherins- Crabbe, Goyle, Millicent Bulstrode, Pansy Parkinson, Warrington and some other people whose I didn’t know. We made our way to Umbitch’s office in silence. The corridor of her office was unusually empty and silent. We found Ginny and Luna telling people off about coming to the corridor.

"Somebody had released Garroting Gas there- probably the Dark Angel," said Ginny exasperatedly as though she was tired of this. But I knew it wasn't- she was alert and brisk. Had the situation been a little different, I would have appreciated her acting skills!

“There can be that gas in this corridor,” I said, looking tensed and worried. Draco opened his mouth to answer but was cut short by a loud singing of ‘Weasley is our King’. Ginny and Luna had spotted us and were signing this. How can you be so stupid? Who would sign this song? Even though it was the positive version! Especially when you are telling people OFF!!!

“Does that answer your question?” Draco asked. I nodded bluntly and assigned myself to the task in hand. We caught them with ease. Pansy held Ginny captive rather menacingly and we heard a voice shout, “Hey, leave her alone!”

Is this a reunion for the DA or what? And can't they have better plans instead of shouting at a bunch of bullies?

Needless to say, Crabbe got hold of Neville while I caught Luna loosely yet firmly. Ron came next with Warrington gripping him tightly. The quartet were shooting me looks of betrayal and anger but I silenced them all with a ‘I have a plan, shut up’ glare. They didn't exactly believe me but they had no other option. However, Ron nodded slightly showing that he believed me. Good! Someone is sensible!

We marched inside her office with our prisoners. Umbitch, here we come!

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