Chapter 42- Thestrals

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“Now that my trust has been established, can we discuss the thestrals?” Snape asked irritated by the limelight. He didn’t want the wizarding world to know the truth; he just wanted to make sure that his beloved’s sacrifice didn’t go in vain. He didn’t want the sympathy- he just needed some trust and faith. Dumbles had been able to provide him with both which had made him stronger.

I smiled at the professor who now held high respect in my eyes. Dumbles did the same before saying, “Every moment has its own rhythm- let us bloom and cherish in it.”

We both looked at him as if he had grown a third head. He merely chuckled. He and his philosophical thoughts! God, save us!

“I know you are great man Albus but spare us with your ‘quotes’,” Snape huffed.

I giggled and as Dumbles quoted ‘bloomed and cherished in the moment’.

Dumbles sighed again before explaining, “Thestrals are intriguing creatures. It can only be seen by those who have seen death, as is said by magizoologists. However, it is my belief that they can be seen by only those whose minds have registered deaths. Stella didn’t kill anyone but I think the curse made the mind think and register the fact that the woman had been murdered. Severus, Lucius and Voldemort too registered the same thing- that you had killed her.

“So, I believe that is why you could see the thestrals. And maybe that is the reason why Harry couldn’t see them before. His mother had died right before his eyes but his mind was fragile that time- not completely developed you can say. So, his mind didn’t register it. However, last year when he witnessed the death of Cedric Diggory at the hands of Lord Voldemort- his mind finally registered it.”

It took me a few minutes to deliberate and comprehend his theory. It made sense and it definitely had a lot of ‘registers’ in it.

“This theory could intrigue a number of magizoologists and I am willing to bet all the gold in my Gringotts vault that Newt Scamander would love to test it,” Snape said in an astonished tone.

“You are right, Severus. Newt and his fascination with creatures! Because of Stella’s discovery and question, a new fact has been brought to life,” Dumbles said lightly.

“Okay…” I said slowly, still thinking about it.

After a few minutes of silence, Professor Snape started shifting in his seat- as though uncomfortable about something.

“Severus, is there something you would like to share?” Dumbles asked sharply. He too had noticed it.

“Uh,” he started, positively very nervous. I hadn’t seen him act like a human being before- this must be something important then. He sighed before saying, “I thought that Stella was a liability and since you were not taking any action, I did something.”

Okay, now, what did he do?!

“What did you do, Severus?” he asked patiently.

He nervously fiddled with his fingers and answered, “I told them about Stella becoming a Death Eater.”

WHAT?! He had told them that?! What have you done, you grease-head?!!!!

“And did they believe you without any proof?” I asked slowly- my hair turning red again.

“No, they didn’t. I had to show them my memories,” he said quietly.

IS HE MAD?! How am I ever going to gain their trust back? Harry needs me and now he thinks I am the lovely follower of that sadist queen-cum-lord!

“Why didn’t you, believe me, Severus?” Dumbles asked disappointedly. Meanwhile, I was livid and tensed. What should I do?

“I didn’t realise she was a spy just like me. You should have told me about it,” Snape defended himself.

“I needed Stella to trust you before telling her role to you. You both wouldn’t have trusted each other otherwise,” Dumbles answered.

“It’s no wonder now why they have been avoiding me like plague. In fact, many times I have seen them throw me dirty looks as if I am a rat! And I always felt Harry feeling betrayed,” I grumbled. I finally understood the reason for it all.

Snape continued mumbling things in his defence but I didn’t bother to listen to him. Why should I do?!!!!

“Dumbles, help!” I threw my hands up and said.

He seemed to be in a thinking process and didn’t say anything. I continued with my pacing. I needed them to trust me- but more than that I wanted their friendship. I had been feeling loved and comforted by them; I didn’t want it to disappear. It always calmed me down.

“I know it!” Snape exclaimed suddenly, making me jump. Dumbles turned to him and he continued, “A death eater always carries the Dark mark- even if he is undercover or a spy. It is a means of communication between the follower and the Dark Lord. And being a metamorphagus if you remove it...”

I grinned at this- I could do that. I lifted the sleeves of my robes and showed them the horrendous mark which was glowing. I concentrated on my metamorphagus powers and it slowly vanished. I looked up to my professors and they were smiling at me with pride. Snape still had the look of guilt and sorrow in his eyes- but C'mon he told them about me, even when Dumbles told him not to! Seriously man!

“I don’t think I am a Death Eater anymore, professors,” I said smugly.

They laughed and Dumbles said, “It will be best if you let Ms Granger notice it- she is the most perceptive of the three. Once she observes it, she will corner you and question you about it. I think you can handle it from there. It will be best to start by gaining her trust first.”

I agreed with it. Hermione was the brains of the trio- if she believed something, the other two would know that she had a logic behind it. The meeting thus ended- all of them happy, satisfied and guiltless.

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