Chapter 31- The Emergency

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I had been sleeping peacefully when I was awoken by Fawkes who was peaking my cheeks. I tried to swat it away but it kept poking me. Finally when I had gotten tired, I got up and saw that it was carrying a piece of paper.

I looked at the watch which said that it was 4 in the morning. Alarmed at the fact that Dumbles had contacted me at this hour, I became wide awake. I knew that he would only contact me if there was some kind of emergency. I hastily untied the paper and read it:

"Mars bars"

Oh my Godric Dumbles! Even in such a situation he won't forget his sweet tooth.

I hurried left my dormitory and rushed towards his office. After giving the gargoyle the password, I entered the office only to find Dumbles walking to and fro, obviously tensed. 

"Is everything okay, Dumbles?" I asked gently. I was bursting out of nervousness. I had only seen him in such a situation when the Kraken had returned. He was making me tensed.

"Arthur Weasley was harmed during his duty tonight," he said grimly.

"What happened?" I asked nervously, biting my lips.

"Voldemort's snake bit him," he sighed.

"Is he....?" 

"No, Harry had a 'vision' into his mind and saw the entire episode. Arthur has been gravely injured. Hadn't Harry seen it, he may have been dead by now but fortunately he was brought at the right time."

"Thank God, he is okay. But now won't Voldemort be aware of this connection?"

"I fear so. It is time for him to learn occumulency."

"Yes, and you must be the one to teach him, Dumbles," I said firmly. "He needs you. I can feel it. Anyone can feel it."

He sighed and said, "Even so, it is dangerous. Keeping him away from me will only protect him."

"I don't understand your logic Dumbles. He needs your support more than anything else presently. He is getting really frustrated and this will only help Voldemort capture his mind faster. He needs to be felt loved."

He glanced up momentarily and looked at me in the eye. After a minute he said firmly, "It's for his own good."

I groaned but let it go. He is the wisest wizard of his age, he must be doing things only after considering all actions and consequences.

But he may be wrong as well. Another part of my mind argued. Letting it slide aside, I asked, "If not you, who then?"

He hesitated before answering, "Severus."

"Snape?! That bat?!"

Dumbles merrily raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything.

"Dumbles, if you don't want to teach then it's okay. Have McGonagall teach him, Flitwick teach him, heck maybe even me! But not Snape. Snape holds a grudge against him and vice versa. No matter how hard Snape MIGHT try, Harry won't accept his help. He has too much ego and pride," I argued.

Dumbles smiled and said, "It seems as though you can understand Harry pretty well, Stella."

"Of course I do... He is my best friend- wait! What are you implying?"

I tried really hard to control my blush but it came up anyways. This made him laugh and me scowl.

"Dumbles really.. not Snape," I pleaded.

"It has to be him, my dear" he said patiently.

"Okay fine. But tell me one thing... Why do you trust him so much? There must be some reason he came to this side. He is one of Dark Lord's most trusted servant- he has power, like he wanted in his childhood... Why then?"

He looked at me with a smile. He answered, "Love, my dear, can change everything. Your Professor was in love with-"

But before I could listen to my Grandpa's tales, a wizard from a portrait shouted, "Dumbledore! His condition is grave! The healers are not being able to take the venom out. He is dying."

Both Dumbles and I paled at this.

"Hang on!" I shouted, getting all the portraits attention. "Dumbles, remember we worked on the theory that Voldemort may have converted his snake into a hocrux?"

He looked at me curiously and nodded.

"What if it's true? What if he did put his soul into it?" I questioned. 

"That means that no amount of hard labour can save him. Dark magic has been injected into his blood," he sighed and looked somber.

"Wait... What do you think I am, chopped liver?" I grinned. Dumbles looked at me and gestured me to continue, "I know the snake's exact species plus if we let blood flow away from his body while pouring fresh blood into his body, he can be saved."

Dumbles glanced at the wizard in the portrait and they nodded. The portrait wizard asked me, "What do you want me to do?"

"Umm..." I clicked my fingers, thinking of an idea. "Tell them that you have heard this theory from a French healer. It may save him and to try it. Pump out and pump in. Then say that you will try to contact him and bring him here... I think you have quite some reputation to make them believe you."

He nodded and dashed away. I turned to Dumbles and he answered my unasked question, "We will ask Twinkle to impersonate you. But it will be difficult for her to act like you exactly."

"I have an idea but I will regret it later," I gulped and took a deep breathe. I had to do this save someone. That someone who was an inspiration to many. I couldn't let it happen.

"Authur's life is more important than my dignity," I told myself before continuing. "The dark angel will play a prank on Stella Malfoy. The latter will act like a house-elf till the real Malfoy reaches home."

"I know how much your dignity matters to you, Stella. And letting it down must be really difficult for you. I am proud to call you my granddaughter. You are doing a noble task."

He hugged me tightly and I said, "Becoming sad, huh?"

He chuckled and said, "Go now! I will arrange everything with Twinkle. Hope that you save a life."

"Yeah... Me too," I mumbled and transformed into my alias, Armonia Diligitis. I grabbed a handful of floo powder but looked at the portrait wizard carefully.

"It is an honour knowing you, Dilys Derwent," I smiled and acknowledged him.

"I am glad you know me," he smiled.

I took a deep breath and walked over the fireplace. 

"St. Mungo's," I shouted and felt myself twirling.

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