Chapter 55- O.W.Ls

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My anger over my brother over his stupidity and arrogance only prolonged my ignorance for him. I would have forgiven him by now for his not so brotherly behavior but he made no move to apologize for his actions in front of his ‘friends’. He still had his reputation to keep- 'no matter what'- that's what my father had drilled into him. I remembered the day when he had met me in the hospital wing. He was in a panic and seizure. The only thing that mattered for him then was me. He had told me that he didn’t care about his reputation anymore- he wanted to be happy, to be himself for once.

Obviously, all of that was a lie! His words, expectations and actions- everything was false! Nothing was more important than family name. Either this or else my dear father has been influencing him again! But still, he has to grow his own backbone. He has to have his own individuality- he can't be a puppet of my father or let alone my thoughts. I would accept him for whichever path he chooses but only if he grows his own thoughts! I don’t know for how long will he remain this insufferable git but definitely my twin cannot be a git! And I think I could wait for him to grow up for some more time!

After the excitement over the last match had dried out, we realized the next big event of our education was coming up-OWLs. With its approach, all the students could be seen studying day in and day out. I was no exception as well, even though I had my OWLs in certain subjects, I had no background of four years on other subjects. I spent my time revising for such subjects- Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, etc. I revised with Hermione in the kitchens where she would become a wonderful tutor yet again and teach me everything about the aforesaid subjects. The rest of the time I would spend with Blaise- quizzing him on different topics and well, snogging each other out.

The day of the examination came sooner than any student wanted it to come. Our first exam was Charms- easy as a breeze. I mean I already had OWLs in quite a few subjects. It was just this pretense I had to keep up so that as my parents told me- I could ‘under protection in Hogwarts.’

Tuesday was Transfiguration followed by Herbology on Wednesday. The latter was a little tricky for me as I had basically no knowledge about it but I still managed it pretty well. Okay, I think I did excellently in it. The smell of fresh Earth and the plants! Being an elemental always gets me closer to nature and I loved this subject to no extent!

DADA was my favorite cup of tea for me. I remember as a breath-taking stag galloped across the room. Harry’s patronus, stopped by my side, giving me a dazzling smile and waiting expectantly. I had petted it, which it had nuzzled to, while I had looked ‘awkward’ about the situation. I definitely avoided the suspicious glare Draco was diverting towards me!

Ancient Runes on Friday was another challenge for me but thankfully due to Hermione’s help and Draco’s notes I was able to perform well in it too. Potions went terrific and I made sure to pass Snape a smirk, to which he gave me one back, when I exited the hall. Care of Magical Creatures was a tough one but highly enjoyable. I actually found peace with the animals and the natural surroundings. Like I said being an elemental, nature calls me towards herself. And yes, she is a woman!

Arithmancy was the toughest one in the sack and I was the least confident about it. However, the complexity of this subject only intrigued me further to study it. Plus, it was highly resourceful and useful. Well, you know about Harry’s watch.

Astronomy was the subject that shook me- not the subject exactly but the test. I had completed my chart early and just doodling around- settling my gaze on the stars of Carina. I suddenly felt Harry’s curiosity peak and I sneaked a look at hi. Instead of looking at the stars, he was gazing at the grounds. Frowning, I followed his actions and it lead to Hagrid’s hut. Some people had assembled inside- probably four, as it could be made out of the silhouette. A squat short one could be easily labelled as Umbitch. It was obvious that they were there to detain him but like this? In the middle of the night? Heck, what was she trying to show Harry here?! Because it was obvious she chose this night purposely. 

Some sort of uproar suddenly took place and Hagrid ran inside the forest. They sent stunners after stunners at him but it was lucky that he had giant blood in him to block it out. But the same wasn’t the case for McGonagall. Three straight stunners were sent right at her chest- my hair had turned red at that sight. I only caught myself when my neighbour examiner started staring at me fearfully. But after a moment when she saw I was blonde, she brushed it off thinking that it must have been due to the light of the stunners sent.

But I had never felt so helpless in my life! I could have helped them, maybe have stunned that toad for good as well- but I couldn’t! I stood there the whole times leaning against the leaning- hoping, just hoping! All I knew was that when I told Dumbledore of this situation later that night, I never wanted to be in that position again. It made me shiver...

Our last exam was History of Magic which was again a piece of cake. I was rounding off my answers properly when I felt Harry being hurt.  I turned sharply in my seat only to find to him sleeping on his table. He was in pain- he was cringing in his sleep, sweating and shaking. I wanted to get up and soothe him down but I couldn't. Using legimency, I made my way into his mind- he was pathetic in occumulency honestly. Had Snape taught him absolutely nothing?

I saw the Kraken showing him images of torturing Sirius in the Department of Mysteries. He was asking him to pull out the prophecy of the coloumn 97.

Okay, two questions. Is this true? Is Sirius actually being tortured? And if it was, how was Sirius there? At the Ministry where he was wanted?

He may have walked out of his building for fresh air and could have been abducted. No, No, Sirius wouldn’t be so careless and he was clever enough to escape Azkaban- he wouldn't make stupid mistakes. This is a decoy- only to get Harry to the prophecy! Of course!

But what if its true? What if Sirius was captured?

Ignoring the negative thoughts, I tried to use Legimency myself. I tried block the images and the pain as much as possible but I got little success. Since, the connection between Kraken and Harry was stronger than mine, he was able to manipulate his mind easily. Okay Godric! We are screwed!

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