Chapter 36- Christmas Suprises

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I had arrived at the Malfoy Manor during Christmas, but whatever little feelings I had towards the house had gone. Draco and I were on bad terms even though he had tried to apologize. Even mother and father were upset by his behavior. They remained awfully tensed now-a-days with the Kraken back and all.

I got up with hope on Christmas morning and was surprised to find a large stock on gifts beside my bed. Grinning, I jumped off the bed and called, "Twinkle."

The elf appeared, jumping as well, "Merry Christmas Stella."

I took her arms and swung her along. "Merry Christmas to you too. And here's your gift." I handed her a Santa cap, which brought tears to her eyes. "Now, don't cry man! It's Christmas!" Twinkle laughed and disappeared before anyone got suspicious.

I opened my gifts merrily. Ron had given me a box of sweets- typical Ron. But even I had given him sweets- but hey, they were  imported. Hermione gave me a book on "No pure-blood purity". I chuckled at this- she knows how to boost my confidence with the family tensions. Coincidentally, I too had given her a book on elves. 

The twins had gifted me some of their pranking items. I grinned at the evil thoughts that circulated around my head. I really wanted to see their expressions when they will find a new copy of Marauders Map as a Christmas gift, but alas, that wasn't possible.

Dumbles had given me a bracelet with a special feature of communication- using it, we could talk to each other promply and also stealthily. I put it on around my hand with the watch still in place. Draco had sent me a beautiful frame with our picture on it. Along with it, a sorry card was present. But I wasn't ready to forgive him- he had broken my heart and given up on me when I needed him the most. 

I was surprised when I found gifts from Lee, Alicia and Angelina. They had given me some scarfs and gloves, which made me smile. I had changed another life which had previously been filled with prejudice.

To say I was excited to open Blaise's gift was an understatement. I was practically jumping with joy by the time I had uncovered its wrappings. It contained a small box that I opened expectantly. A beautiful emerald ring was placed in it, encrusted with silver linings. I could only look at it in awe before snapping out of it and putting it on my finger. I smiled at his gesture, hoping that he too liked our picture I had sent.

There were only two gifts left now. I picked up the smaller one and found it was from Harry. Smiling softly yet sadly, I opened the gift, only to gasp. He had sent me a brooch which was shaped like a firefly. I felt so moved and touched. I really liked him even though he would never like me in the same manner.

I had gifted him the snitch that I had accoied from the Quidditch match. I had infused Felix Felics in it so that whenever he let it zoom, it would bring him luck. It would act like a guide to Harry when I wouldn't be there for him.

The Dark Angel had also brought gifts. Harry got the occumulency watch that I had been working so hard upon.  He only knew that it belonged to his father. He wasn't aware of the connection between his watch and the doe necklace he had gifted me. I glanced at my necklace, knowing full well that I would be waiting for it to glow blue the whole day, which would signify the creation of our bond. I hoped that Remus had gotten his potion and Sirius the mirror. 

My last gift was a new black dress from mother and father with the note attached- "Wear this during dinner tonight." I looked back at the dress and frowned. It looked like a dress Death Eaters would wear. Suddenly, my blood ran cold as I realized what this meant. Today was going to be the day of my initiation ceremony!

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