Chapter 54- Slytherin vs Hufflepuff

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The twins escape had caused a number of changes in the school. Firstly, people had got the courage to stand up to that toad. They weren't scared of punishment as my trick of using that complicated named muggle medicine was available with Hermione. It was hilarious to see her reaction when students didn't react to her blood quills anymore. Secondly, the rules had become stricter and people had become wary of Filch. With the whip in his hand, he turned to every direction of misbehavior. However, since there were so many misfits he got confused as to which direction to turn to.

During our Easter vacation, we had been given a crucial task to dwell upon- Career Advice. I had had a clear thought of becoming a professional Quidditch player ever since I had first ridden a broomstick. It had also been my first emotion encounter that triggered metamorphing in me. It thus had a distinct bond with me. After treating Arthur I felt as though I could offer my services as a healer after retiring from my former profession. A great feeling of joy, content and satisfaction evoked in me when I saved people- maybe from snakes or werewolves or Umbitch's torture- but it all added up. 

“Enter,” said Snape’s cold voice. I was currently outside his office ready for my career counselling to start. I entered his office and found that Umbitch sitting at a corner. She was inspecting this as well. Couldn’t she give me any amount of privacy?!

“Good afternoon, Professors,” I greeted politely, glancing at them momentarily. 

“Ms Malfoy, please take a seat. As it may be clear, our headmistress is here to inspect your career advice. So, do you have anything in your mind?” he asked coolly.

“Yes, I want to be a-“ I stopped. I couldn’t say what I wanted to be in front of her! I just didn’t get the confidence and felt insecure. She wasn't trustworthy and judging by the way she was making notes on that clipboard of hers, my father may come to know about this conversation. If he knew THIS, he would have my head!

“Yes?” Snape prodded, leaning forward a little on his chair curiously. Wow! Even Snape is interested! Well, why wouldn't he be- I am pretty damn awesome!

“Uh, I want to be a healer,” I said. Snape looked deep into my grey eyes finding the reason for my hesitation. And for the first time, I let a person in, which surprised him. When he saw what I wanted to be and the reason for my hesitation, he had a hard time keeping his face neutral. I grimaced- what was wrong with my choice of profession?

“Indeed,” Umbitch exclaimed happily when Snape failed to reply. I forced a smile towards her and continued to look at the head of my house.

“Well, you have perfect grades for it. You are doing exceptionally well in the subjects of Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, Herbology and Arithmancy. You will require to take these subjects for your NEWTs and then continue with further studies in that field.

“This profession is not an easy one Ms Malfoy. It will take at least three more years of studies to get through this. Are you prepared for it?” he asked.

I nodded firmly. I would have to balance between my practice and studies. I could do that, right?

“Well then, if that is all, you may leave Ms Malfoy,” he said. “And yes, I would love to see your skills on the match tomorrow. Good luck.”

I gave him a small smile and left the room. I had to prove myself tomorrow! Snape was right- if I wanted to pursue in career in that direction, this would be my setting stone. 

Breakfast next day was a hushed and excited affair. It would be the first time any girl in Slytherin would play. And I didn’t know whether I should be proud or scared of this. Really, Stella? You are scared? Common you need to show who you are! You don’t go down so easily.

I suddenly felt eyes on me and l looked up and saw Harry trying to catch my eye. He gave me a thumb's up and a wink, which made me blush. Immediately I felt a lot calmer as though just his smile was enough for me. I nibbled on my toast thinking about my feelings for Harry. Blaise sat beside me and gave me a swift peck. Okay, I was red now!

“All the best on the field love. I know you will do good,” he whispered in my ear. I must be the reddest tomato of the season. “You look cute when you blush,” he said seductively. Which colour was I now? Maroon? I wouldn’t be surprised. Blaise saw this and laughed quietly. Merlin, this boy was driving me crazy!

All this while, I was unaware of a certain pair of eyes boring daggers to my boyfriend.

Montague called, “Okay team! To the pitch!”

I took a deep breath and stood up. Okay, it’s show time!

We all lined up and went to the field. We faced our opponents- the Hufflepuffs. Their keeper said rather loudly, when Madam Hooch was busy, “Girl Malfoy in the team? No wonder their father buys them spot in it.”

Majority of the crowd cheered for it but the Slytherins and my friends didn’t. Draco was fuming but he knew better than to take my fights. I stared at him cool eyed and impassively. I could see beads of sweat forming on his forehead. I smirked at him and turned to Madam Hooch. She blew the whistle and the game was on!

I immediately caught the quaffle and waived my way to the goalpost.

“Stella Malfoy of Slytherin with the Quaffle and is sneaking her way through the crowds like a snake. Follows the house animal, I see,” Lee Jordan commented. “Looks like she took the words of Dengary to the heart and she going to kick his as-”

“JORDAN!” Minnie shrieked. He was right! I was going to kick his ass. I aimed the ball for the central post and pushed the ball with all my force.

Apparently, I had put so much force in the ball that it went in the goalpost along with the keeper while he tried to stop it. I felt a little sympathetic about it. Who am I kidding? I didn’t feel any remorse for it. Bloody git had it coming.

“We can conclude that the keepers of other teams should be aware of her,” Jordan said, a little scared. I threw him a quick wink for my cockiness and again went in pursuit of the Quaffle.

The game went on and on with me working well along with other chasers. We scored a good deal- enough to establish ourselves in the first position if we could catch the snitch. However, my dear brother was just like Dengary- commenting on other people and focusing less on the playing.

The snitch was stolen right below his feet. When will he learn?!

“Huffelpuff won! 180 to 140,” said Jordan. See, we had scored 140 points alone and they had scored only 30! We could have easily won! That ferret!

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