Not all who die stay dead

Start from the beginning

"I've seen worse." Poe defended his landing as he kept his gun pointed at her.

"I've seen better." She quipped.

"Me too." Aria grumbled.

Poe gave Aria a sharp look that made her shut her mouth.

Both turned back just as the lady asked, "Are you Resistance?"

Aria narrowed her eyes at the intrusive question. While she knew the Falcon was easily recognizable across the galaxy, it was known for smuggling, not the Resistance.

"That depends." Poe's voice hinted at his own apprehension of the question.

The obrak carrying the woman took a few steps towards them. Aria lowered her gun to the animal, but decided against it and trained it back on its rider.

"We've picked up a transmission from someone named Babu Frik-" She explained her reason for asking.

"Babu Frik, oh he's one of my oldest friends." C-3PO's happy tone made Aria close her eyes and give an apologetic shake of her head.

When she opened her eyes she saw the woman looking directly at her, then her eyes flickered just over her shoulder to Rey. "He said you'd come. He said you were the last hope-"

Aria's head ticked to the side at Babu Frik's enthusiasm towards her and Rey. Still, the story panned out, so she dropped her weapon and took an assured step towards the woman. "We need to get to that wreck-" She turned to the side to look back towards the Death Star. "There's something inside we need."  

"I can take you there by water." She offered.

Aria nodded enthusiastically at the offered help.

Finn, however, was not nearly as excited. He stepped up beside Aria as he said, "You see the water?"

The woman shook her head. "Not now... too dangerous. We can go first light tomorrow."

Aria's shoulders sagged as she looked over at the equally disappointed Rey.

"We can't wait that long. We don't have the time." Rey explained to the woman as she stepped up beside Aria.

Aria nodded in agreement. "We're willing to go now and risk it if you-"

"Aria-" Poe stepped in front of Aria to block her view of the woman. "It's too dangerous." He reiterated.

Aria huffed in annoyance at his interruption. "This is all too dangerous, Poe." She reminded him as her bi-colored eyes flicked between his worried, brown ones. "But if we don't do this... millions could die." She whispered.

Poe gave the smallest shake of his head. "Let's fix up the Millennium Falcon." He proposed instead.

Aria deflated at his deflection.

"We'll fix her up then go- together." He stressed. "Okay?"

Aria chewed on her cheek as she contemplated whether to lie to him or not. He would never let her go alone, and she would never do anything that intentionally put him in danger. The only logical answer was to lie- just this one. "Okay."

Poe gave a nod before he turned to look at the woman on the obrak. "You got any spare parts?" He asked as he holstered his gun and walked towards her.

"Some. I'm Jannah." She introduced herself as she tugged on the reigns of her obrak to get it to turn.

"I'm Poe."

Aria turned towards Rey who was just as frustrated as she was moments ago.

"We're not really waiting until first light are we?" Rey whispered as Chewie and Finn lingered behind.

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