Chapter 14 - Roma (Part 3)

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The following week, he'd come half an hour before his eleven o'clock shift in the morning to unchain her and roll her onto her back and snuggle up beside her until she woke up. He'd keep her on her back until the night shift, where he'd roll her back onto her stomach and his brother wouldn't be the wiser. He was careful to use the disinfecting wipes to wiped his scent from her flesh as well, even though he loved it there, soaking into her pores.

He loved fucking her on her back and watching her boobs bounce. It made him cum so hard and fast.

But one morning, she smelled different. Sweat coated her brow and she moaned in pain when he arrived. Vomit, blood, urine, and feces stank up the pit worse than ever.

He hurried to her side, setting the lamp near her and looked her over. She was coated in sweat, her body shivering violently, and when he touched her flesh, he withdrew at the fiery hot temperature.

"Shit," he murmured under his breath as he pulled out his phone and called his brother.

"This is Alpha Sergei. How can I help you, Roma?"

"What did you do to her?" he demanded, brushing her damp hair from her face.

She whimpered, the side of her face coated in mud from her sweat and tears mixing with the dirt under her cheek.

"Nothing. What's wrong?"

"Everything! She's-she's vomiting and bleeding and has a fever!"

"Excuse me, a moment, I'm terribly sorry, but I have some urgent matters to attend to," his brother said in the distance, talking to someone else before hanging up the phone.

His brother pressed into his mind, as all Alphas could, and Roma let him in. [What's going on? She was fine this morning.]

[I don't know! What causes fever, bleeding, and vomiting?]

[I'm on my way. Tell me, where is she bleeding?]

[I don't know. I just smell it. Hold on.]

Tucking his phone back into his pocket, he held the lamp closer to her body and cast its light on her. He couldn't find any blood around her wrists, ankles, or mouth. Her ass was a mess and when he pulled the newspaper out from under her hips, he thought he saw blood mixed in with the urine and feces. Wrapping the paper up and putting it in a plastic bag, he put another sheet down and started cleaning her with the wipes. Holding the wipes up to the lamp, he could see that indeed, she was bleeding from between her legs.

Reporting back to his brother, Sergei swore and said, [I'll be there as fast as I can. Try and get her to drink. She's probably dehydrated.]

She moaned, a terrible sound of agony that made his stomach clench. "Ro-Roma?"

He bent down beside her and brushed her hair out of her eyes again. "Alpha is coming," he told her. "He's coming and he's going to take care of this. You're going to be okay."

"M-M-My pup..."

"What?" His eyes widened as he looked down her body.

She was pregnant?

She cried out in pain, clenching her teeth and muscles tensing as the metallic odor struck his nose again—stronger this time. Then he saw a dark liquid soaking through the paper under her hips.

"Fuck!" He jumped to his feet and took the lamp with him and peered between her legs.

There was so much blood coming out... too much blood.

Fear gripped him. He didn't know what to do. What was happening? Why was she bleeding so much?

[Sergei, hurry!] he screamed at his brother, still present in his mind.

[I'm coming as fast as I can!]

[There's so much blood! What do I do?]


[Between her legs!]

[Shit... She's miscarrying.]

[Wait... You knew she was pregnant?] He practically screamed at his brother, if he could.

[Yeah, didn't you?]


[You're an idiot.]

[Am not!]

[Look, just hang in there. Give her some water. I'll be there in five minutes.]

Roma whimpered and fetched the water from his backpack. He put the straw to her lips and she took a few sips before pulling away and shaking her head no and started vomiting.

Oh shit, this wasn't good.

"Alpha is coming. He'll know what to do," he told her.

She moaned, her body shivering more violently as she shook her head slightly. "No... I don't want him... I want my mate... Give me my mate."

Roma whimpered again. "I-I can't... and I don't know where he is."

Another moan of pain emitted from her and he could smell more blood spilling out from between her legs.

Bile rose up in his throat. He tried to push it down, but couldn't. He didn't know what to do but stayed at her side as she moaned for her mate, saying his name over and over again as more blood gushed from her lower body. While waiting for his brother to come, he petted her head and told her that she would be okay even though he didn't know if that was true.

He could hear her heartbeat slowing, skipping a beat here and there. He didn't have to be a doctor to know that wasn't normal. Her breathing grew more shallow as she drifted in and out of consciousness.

By the time his brother came, he took one look around and swore. Grabbing Roma's backpack from the floor, he pulled out the little medical bag and quickly drew some of the sedative into the needle.

"What are you doing? She's dying!" Roma cried.

"Offering her some relief in her dying moments," Sergei mumbled as he plunged the needle into her leg.

She stilled, her breathing grew fainter and fainter as her heartbeat slowed and slowed before stopping.

Roma's chest constricted as he watched her breathe her last. His breath caught in his throat as he listened intently for her heartbeat before releasing the air he'd been holding. Lifting his hand up, he brushed his fingers through her hair once more. Her long, brown hair...

The stink of death hung in the air, the weight of it sinking into him. He wanted to help her. Wanted to save her. But it was out of his control. He couldn't stop it. He couldn't do a damn thing but watch her die.


Dedicated to HeartStone Packmate: ChristyCooper133 - Join us on Facebook!

Copyright Jo Lee Hunt ( Joflower ) 2020

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