Me: (smiling) Ah that. We both loved that one. Yeah, that one is more recent.

Qing: See? I liked the things you watch. It's just...this one feels too (wincing at me)

Me: (pouting) But the mistress was pregnant, Qing!

Qing: (suddenly looking interested) Shit! The guy was that stupid? He got his mistress pregnant? Tsk tsk...that's why you should not sleep with women. The consequences could be huge and evident...

Me: (gasped) That's your issue?! A guy should not sleep with women because there could be a physical consequence?! Qing, the issue is cheating! He cheated! Whether it's with a man or a woman, cheating is wrong!

Qing: I know that it's wrong. That's why I don't do it. Why are you getting mad at me? I didn't cheat on you.

Me: (sour face) Because your way of thinking about this is wrong. Cheating is the issue. Cheating that led to lack of trust and respect between the married couple. Ugh! They are married. The guy was messed up. This drama is showing me things enough for me to question if I would like to be married in the first place.

Qing: (frowning) Why would you question that? I'm not a cheater. I will not cheat on you.

Me: (scoffing) That's what that guy said to his wife when they got married. Men!

Qing: Hmm...and you are not a man?

Me: Of course I am...but you are sure that I won't cheat on you. My OCD will rebel against me if I will do that. Yuck!

Qing: (suppressing a smile) Do you want me to develop OCD so you can be sure that I won't cheat on you?

Me: (eyes widening) Are you insane?! If you will have OCD as well...we are doomed! How will we live together? It will be a disaster. No no, no OCD for you.

I shuddered just thinking about it. Imagine if Qing also has an OCD, ugh! That will result into a nightmare scenario for us. Believe me, my OCD alone makes this relationship...shall we say a little insane. If Qing became extremely fussy too, we go BOOM!

Anyways, no...I don't believe Qing will cheat on me. I mean, I might imagine from time to time what I will do to him if he ever think about cheating on me...

(From time to time? Isn't like all the time?)

Hey! I'm not paranoid like that. Of course, I trust Qing. And I know the man, he knows control.

Anyways again, back to my current favorite drama...

(Do we have to? You and Baba are interesting enough...)

No! This is more interesting. Qing and I are a boring couple now. We are already engage. Our descend to being a normal and boring couple has already begun. Soon, we will be like Meng and Nushi, with child and going on dates once a month.


Yeah, that's mean to my friends but that's their reality. At least until my godson started being potty trained and can be left to his grandparents for a whole week.

Anyways, enough about Meng and Nushi, I didn't mean to reveal anything private about their married life. That's their privacy.

Back to my drama. There is another interesting detail about it.

Me: The main leads has neighbors who are married as well. The wife in that couple put a tracker on her husband's car. I mean, what the hell?!

Qing: Yeah. That's messed up.

Me: (eyes narrowing) You...didn't put a tracker on my phone, right?

Qing: Ah! No! Why would I do that?

Me: (eyes still narrowed) No reason. And I believe you. But here is a question for you. If you could put a tracker on me that I won't be able to detect or find out, will you?

Qing: (without missing a beat) Yes.

(Woooohoooo! Go Baba! *throws confetti* There's an honest man, right there! *feeling proud*)

No! Wait! Wait a minute! Easy on the confetti, people. Easy. And what you mean you all feel proud...he will put a tracker on me! Do you realize what that means? Qing will put a tracker on me if he can get away with it! The hell?!

Me: Why will you do that?

Qing: Because you won't know about it.

Me: Yes, exactly. Why would you do it? Why won't you trust me?

Qing: It's not a matter of trust, Dayu ah. It's a matter of me knowing where you are. Assuring myself that I will know how to get to you if there is trouble.

Me: (confuse) Huh? What?

Qing: (sighing) Remember when you got stranded somewhere because of a vicious hurricane?

Me: Yeah. And that's almost four years ago now, Qing.

Qing: Doesn't matter. The trauma is still with me. That feeling that I couldn't get to you because I don't know exactly where you are. The fear I had that day. I don't want to feel that way ever again. That feeling like the world is crumbling around us and I couldn't get to you.

Me: Oh Qing...

Qing: (staring into my eyes) That's why, if I can get away with it, I will put a tracker on you. Just to see where you are and to assure myself that I can get to you when there is trouble. That is important to me.

Me: That's important to me too. Knowing that I could come to you when we need each other. (smiling) Should we do that? Put trackers on each other.

Qing: (smiling) I'm game if you are.

Qing and I stare at each other. I sighed before nodding. Qing's smile widened before he surged forward to plant a resounding kiss on my lips.

Qing: Thank you, Love. I will see where we can order reliable trackers to put on our phones. Something high end. Very efficient.

Me: (rolling my eyes) High end? What's next, you will look for chips you can slip under our skin?

Qing: (eyes gleaming) Now that you open that discussion...

Me: Wang Qing!

Qing: (wincing) You are the one who opened it.

Me: (growling) You will not put a tracking chip on me. Grrrr...

Qing: I was not thinking of it. You are the one who...

He stopped talking when he noticed that I am boring a hole in him with my grim stares.

Me: Promise me. Nothing as crazy as putting a tracking chip on my body.

Qing: (raising his right hand) Promise. Nothing like that. (putting his hand down) But you said yes to the phone tracker, you cannot take it back.

Me: I won't because it's a two way street. I will get to monitor you as well.

Qing: I'm fine with that.

Me: (smiling) Okay. But first...listen to the rest of my story about this drama...

Qing moaned like I am torturing him. But he kept still as I babble and ramble about this current favorite drama of mine.

He is a good boy. Your Baba.

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