Me: (blinking) Wow...I enchanted you enough to fool you to think that I am the smartest person you know.

Qing: (groaning in exasperation) See? Like that. You are making it sound like you hoodwinked me to put you in some pedestal. (hugging me again) are a wonderful person. I want you to believe that. You are smart, kind, funny and generous.

Me: And foolish enough to take what I have for granted and now that I am not getting it, I'm whining.

Qing: Okay. Okay...that's what we will go with if that will make you feel better. Yes you are bad. Mama loves you so much yet you lied to her about rejecting her precious son and keeping our engagement from her. You ungrateful jerk.

Me: (sobbing) I'm an ungrateful jerk!

Qing: What am I gonna do with you?

Me: (sniffing) Let me have my pity party!

Qing: Okay. Have your pity party. I am here.

Goodness, Qing is so patient. See that? How did I deserve this guy? He is so patient with me.

(Yes, Baba is patient with you. Funny because he is not like this to other people in his life)

True. Qing usually reserved all his patience to dealing with me. If he spreads his patience around everyone he knows, he and I won't stay in this relationship for long. It's one of the secret to our relationship. All of Qing's patience he reserved especially for me.

I don't deserve him. But he is mine so...everyone back off from my man! He is mine!


(Oh you are adorable to write that "grrrr")

I'm not adorable! I will be twenty eight this year! My age is way past adorable now.

(You are who you are and you are adorable)

Well...I hope Qing's mother thinks like y'all. I hope she still finds me adorable.

But then again...maybe I am just overthinking this whole thing because...

Qing: (that afternoon) Mama hasn't done her Spring shopping yet. I think she will do it early next week.

Me: Really? But she usually do it before April comes.

Qing: Well, she is being late this time. Maybe she will combine her Spring and Summer shopping. Both in one go.

Me: Maybe. (frowning) Hey, how did you know...

Qing: I have my sources.

Me: Who?

Qing: You don't need to know.

I stared at my lover. Qing avoided looking back at me. My eyes narrowed while studying him. Qing studied his phone screen in silence. I don't know what news he suddenly finds interesting.

Me: (sighing) Are you really telling me that you have a spy in your parents' home?

Qing: (putting down his phone) Baba got sick. Mama has hypertension. Do you really expect me to go through my normal life without making sure that my parents are living fine? No right?

Me: (smiling) Wow. You care this much?

Qing: They are my parents!

Me: Aw! That's so cute!

I hugged Qing and kissed his cheek several times while his face has an expression of questioning his choices in life again.

Me: (teasing tone) Who is the sweet son? Who? Huh? Huh?

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