december 9, 2014

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i am writing this for you and i hope you read it, because it's important.

you are still beautiful. you were before i entered your life and you are now. you aren't broken, and you're going to pull through anything. the things i saw you pull through during our time together amazes me every day. remember that.

i noticed your pattern, and forgive me if i'm overstepping my boundaries. i feel like i'm on the edge of a cliff right now and you're either going to save me or push me over for this.

you get over people by 'replacing' them. one girlfriend after the next, constantly looking for one. you told me once even you don't know how to be alone. i want you to know you can.

you're amazing love, you really are. there's a special thing about you that to this day i can't pin point what it is. you don't need someone to make you beautiful, or make you wonderful. having someone is great. it makes things brighter, i know. just remember you don't need it. i've always told you i'm going to be my own hero. now go be yours.

that doesn't mean don't ask for help. i'm not saying isolate yourself. i just want you to realize we are not searching for 'the one' in life. we are not finding our 'other half.' we are put on this earth as a whole person. we are just as beautiful on our own.

this goes for anyone reading this. the stars don't need to be told they are beautiful to be. we are not the moon, and nobody else is the sun. we do not need someone else's light to make us shine. we are the sun. we are the stars. we are beautiful...we are infinite.

june 2, 2014Where stories live. Discover now