november 28, 2014

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you were always my kick start in the morning. the world pushed me down and told me this day wasn't worth living, that i didn't deserve to live it. but dear, you were worth getting up for. i don't think you realized that nobody was worth getting up for before you came around.

your kiss sent sparks through my body, and i shivered under your touch. you were a storm love, and the lightning you shot through me every day made me feel alive. sometimes i wonder if maybe it was self destruction. i think writing about you so often is much worse.

now you're gone and i drink coffee every morning. this morning i imagined you telling me how bad it is for me. that it's unhealthy and i'm dependent on it. of course i don't listen. i wrapped my fingers around the mug and imagined you looking at my worn out fingers, telling me you could tell i was still biting them. i mumbled to the air, 'it's still a nervous habit and i've been nervous a lot since you left.' of course you never answered. i was talking to the air again.

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