june 28, 2014 {part ii}

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i think i've been writing too much,

but it's the only thing i can focus on.

because i can no longer think of you

without sinking a little lower,

and darling i'm already at the bottom.

i'm dead and cold,

but somehow i continue to sink.

my hair fell out from the stress

and pulling at it at night.

my eyes got too dry,

from all the sleepless nights.

and my flesh rotted away,

no longer getting your touch.

and my respiratory system

is gone and shot,

because a broken heart can't beat,

and my lungs only crave the air

your lips allow out.

my mind was lost the day you left,

so now sinks my bones,

the only thing left.

and even those are decaying.

because i believe in soul mates

and i believed our bones

were made from the same star.

june 2, 2014Where stories live. Discover now