august 4, 2014

276 2 0

it's grey outside
and the ground is wet
and i can see the sun setting
even though the trees hide it
and everything is beautiful
because the color of green i see
is the most natural and beautiful.
the quiet and peace after the rain
fills this house and my heart.
i keep the lights off and it stays dim
and i am in a drowsy peaceful state.
it's like the drizzle entered my veins
and the clouds cover my mind
and the crickets replaced my voice
and arms have become branches
and my fingers are leaves.
the world is quiet and i am alive.

//"The strangest part is what's gained from loss and to lose what's lost, and to gain what's not. But you took me in with open arms, because only time and love move this world along." -Thank You, by Seahaven//

june 2, 2014Where stories live. Discover now