october 30, 2014

107 0 0

some nights i drive myself crazy
wondering when it was
you stopped thinking
'oh fuck i love this girl.'

was i in the middle of speaking
when your eyes got glossy
like you were staring
straight through me
as if i was as transparent
as our love has become
and you realized
'i cannot listen to another second.'

maybe i grabbed your hand
and it hit you
when all you could think was
'when is she going to let go?'

i'd like to think it was neither
and you just had a dream
or a song made it click
and you just thought
'this is hurting us both so much'

i pray every night
to a god i don't believe in
that i did my hardest
and it was something in you
that just snapped

//"Can we pretend like we never broke each others hearts?" -The Old Gospel Choir, by Modern Baseball//

june 2, 2014Where stories live. Discover now