december 7, 2014

34 2 0

i am loved.

for months i have locked myself away, determining my self worth on how a boy feels about me, and it all changed last night.

i was sitting in a chair, watching them dance. the room was lit only by the television and some christmas lights. it was enough though, because we ourselves were glowing. dancing, laughing, taking pictures, living.

i made people happy. i met new people. i ate food without regret. i didn't worry about how i looked, because i was smiling and that was all that mattered. i wasn't thinking about him.

life goes on. things change. people leave. i don't mind though, because i swear to god i'm going to be okay and i realized that last night.

he is not the universe. he is a boy.

i am not alone. i have my ohana.

i am not worthless. i am loved.

june 2, 2014Where stories live. Discover now