Chapter Twenty-One

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All too soon Christmas dawned on Hogwarts and, before anyone knew it, the last day of term arrived. Severus had been discharged from the Hospital Wing after three weeks staring at the ceiling. Mr and Mrs Evans had been kind enough to invite him to spend the holidays with them, and so he had packed his trunk and now sat around waiting to go downstairs.

"Excited to be free at last, Sev?" Questioned Remus.

They sat in the largely deserted common room, since most people were still feverishly packing. Severus sighed in relief.

"No more Madam Pomfrey breathing down my neck, no more rules to follow... Yes, I'm extremely pleased to be spending Christmas in a different environment."

"Happy Lily invited you?" Remus asked curiously.

"It's very kind of her parents to let me stay," Severus replied slowly.

"That's not what I asked, Severus. Are you happy?"

"Well it's not like Christmas with my father would be any better," Severus pointed out irately. "Before I met Lily, I didn't even know what Christmas was so I guess it's down to her that I do now understand the pointless customs."

"Alright, Severus, don't let the hedgehog show," chided Remus. "It's a simple question - there's no need to get defensive."

Silence reigned and Severus preferred it that way. He was nervous about spending Christmas with Lily, if he was honest. He had last year but that had been ruined by Petunia. Lily had woken up early, excited, and naïvely got into bed with him even when he'd said no. That had then led to Petunia telling on them and Severus being roughly manhandled by an overprotective Mark, which had in turn led to a distinct lack of festivity throughout the day. Christmas was a complicated time and he'd prefer it came with as little fanfare as any other day.

However, he'd still exchanged gifts with Albus, Minerva and Poppy. He'd suspected that the headmaster would so had borrowed some wool off a first year and then magically knitted a pair of woollen socks. For Minerva, he'd translated a Transfiguration book written entirely in ancient runes and for Poppy he'd brewed a batch of Wit-Sharpening Potion which the matron could use to work out the Daily Prophet's crossword puzzle each day. In return, Albus had been kind enough to get him a subscription to the Daily Prophet, Minerva had bought him a book on rare herbs and their uses, and Poppy had given him several vials of Dreamless Sleep from the store cupboard, should he need it over the holidays. He'd also given Remus another batch of Wolfsbane Potion to last him the holidays.

"Earth to Severus?"

Nicholas now stood in front of him.

"We're leaving for the station now; are you going to come or are you going to get left behind?"

"I thought you were staying this year, Nicholas," Severus stated as he, Nicholas and Remus walked down to the Entrance Hall.

Nicholas looked smug.

"The ministry ball was such a hit at our house last year that we've been commissioned to do this year's one as well. With any luck the Goldstein family will be commissioned for years to come."

Severus smirked.

"I'm sure they will, Nicholas."

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