25 - Allegedly

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"Wait what?" I gasped. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah..." Misoa nodded sadly. "They found two more dead bodies while you were gone. One was an elderly woman and another was a college student."

"Did she go to our college?" I questioned.

"No. None of them seem to be connected to our college." She said. "The older lady was homeless actually."

"Were they tortured just like the previous victim?" I couldn't help but wonder.

"I think Audrey said that they were both only wearing empty purses and they were found otherwise naked just like the last girl. I don't remember if they were tortured. I'm not sure if Audrey knew about that either." Misoa stated.

"Either our killer's getting cocky or we have two serial killers on our hands that aren't connected to each other." I said.

"Ugh..." She sighed. "Why can't these stupid killers just leave us alone? I can't even go out at night anymore because I'm scared I'll get murdered."

"Hopefully they will be captured before anyone else dies."

"I wouldn't hold my breath." Misoa replied unenthusiastically. "According to Audrey the police have no idea who the killers might be. Whoever they are they clearly know how to hide their identities."

"Speak of the devil, isn't that Audrey talking to Hana?" I asked as I pointed my index finger towards the two girls who were having a pleasant conversation. "Wait since when are they so close?"

"Beats me." Misoa raised her shoulders. "I haven't left my house in two days so I guess they must have found something in common while I wasn't around. Hana did say she wanted to watch a movie but I declined so maybe Audrey went with her in my place."

"Maybe." I brushed it off since it didn't seem all that important. "Let's go see what they're up to."

"Uh... I have a lecture in three minutes so I have to run but text me if you find out any new juicy details about the killers." She stated before kissing me on the cheek. "I'll see you later."

"Yeah, good luck with the lecture." I flashed a smile.

"Thanks, I'm gonna need a lot of luck. My professor's a total nightmare."

"I wonder what he would do if he heard you saying that." A thought popped into my head.

"He'd probably make my life a living hell." Misoa waved her palm before walking the other way. "I really have to go now. Bye."

"Bye!" I couldn't help but chuckle.

After Misoa disappeared from my vision I approached Hana and Audrey who were still very invested into whatever they were discussing. Hana quickly noticed my prescience before I got close to them so she diverted her attention to me which made Audrey look back as well.

"Hey," I broke the silence with an awkward sentence. "What are you two besties chatting about?"

"Besties?" They both cackled. "Ew no way," they said simultaneously before throwing dirty glances at each other and growling.

"Ooh," I grinned playfully. "You guys are so cute!"

"Don't you dare associate me with this bubblehead dum-dum!" Audrey sulked jokingly.

"Shut up," Hana ignored her snarky comment before turning to me. "How's Elena?"

"She's doing much better." I assured her.

"Who's Elena?" Audrey asked.

"My sister." I replied.

"Oh, the pregnant one?" She questioned. "Is the baby okay?"

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