24 - Honest or Cruel

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"Hold up, are you saying that you think there's a serial killer in the campus?" Ian questioned me once we were on the road heading back to college.

"Yes, and I also suspect that you've already met whomever that person is." I stated.

"What?" He threw a glance at me for a split second but quickly diverted his attention back to the road.

"When you told me you sold my pills to some strangers that's when I remembered that the killer was using something very similar to drug the victims." I elaborated. "I suspect one of those people must be the killer or involved with her somehow."

"Her?" Ian seemed flabbergasted. "How do you know the killer is her?"

"We had a little encounter." I said. "Do you remember when I came home with a bullet hole in your jacket?"

"That was because of the killer?" He asked.

"Yep..." I commented.

"I had no idea." He paused for a second before coughing once to clear his throat. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I assured him. "But I do have one favor to ask from you. Could you try and remember whom you sold my medications to? It would be super helpful if you could recall even one person's face."

"I'm sorry but I didn't really pay much attention to their faces if I'm being completely honest." Ian sounded disappointed with himself. "I'm pretty confident that it was mostly men who bought it but there were a few girls too. I'll be sure to let you know if I remember something else but right now my mind's a blur."

"That's okay." I comforted him.

"Oh, wait..." He suddenly raised his voice excitingly. "There was this one girl who bought a bunch of it. She seemed really young though. It's hard to believe she's in college to be honest."

"Did you even ask for her age before you gave her the pills?" I glowered.

"No..." Ian offered a guilty smile.

"God, Ian, what the hell were you thinking. You sold drugs to a possible minor?" I scolded him.

"Maybe she just had a very youthful face. She was wearing a lot of makeup so it was hard to tell what her actual age was. She kind of looked like 13 and 30 at the same time."

"13?" My jaw almost dropped. "Are you completely out of your mind?"

"I said her face looked 13. She was older than 13 though I'm sure of that at least."

"I can't believe this!" I crossed my arms with anger.

"I'm sorry." Ian apologized.

"Just drive!" I rolled my eyes. "I don't even want to talk to you right now!"

"But I..." He tried to add something before I cut him off.

"Shush!" I ordered. "I need some peace right now, my head's about to explode. But trust me; we will have a serious conversation about this! Don't think you'll get off the hook that easily."

"Yes, sir," Ian quickly shut his mouth and allowed me to finally rest which I needed more than I was ready to admit.

The next few minutes of the car ride were pretty quiet. Although I enjoyed this newfound tranquility, I still felt uneasy, not knowing how to act in my stepbrother's prescience. He did say he wanted us to restore our relationship but I was unsure if he'd be able to control his urges and forget about his silly and ill-fated crush on me which made me mildly uncomfortable every time he was around me. Not to mention the fact that I had no idea how to treat him so he wouldn't get the wrong idea was quite annoying as well.

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