3 - Rookie

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Yesterday something really freaky happened. I don't know how to describe this feeling that's eating me from the inside. It's not fear, it's more like anger but I wouldn't say I'm frustrated at someone specific. Well except for maybe the person who's responsible for the heinous crime that occurred last night.

Oh, you probably have no idea what I mean by that so let me explain first. I was with my classmate Hana and her friend when suddenly a girl fell from the rooftop and died. When the police came and I told them that I saw somebody suspicious they didn't even bother listening to me.

I can't say why but I somehow know that this wasn't an accident. The policeman assured me that it was most likely a suicide and once they found a note with her they stopped investigating all together. But the letter was printed out. It wasn't hand written. I don't know why they don't think that's at least a little bit suspicious. I asked her roommate if there was a printer in their dorm and she said no. So why would the victim go through all the trouble to type everything on her computer and then print it. Her roommate said that she even had a diary so that basically confirms she loved writing with a pen. Wouldn't it have been easier to just write such a personal letter on a paper?

Ugh... Maybe I'm just overthinking this. Should I just let the police handle this case? I mean it's not my job to uncover this but what if I'm right and there really is a murderer here. And what if they kill someone else. How could I forgive myself if an innocent person dies again?

I've made up my mind. I'm going to the police station to talk to them before they close the investigation. It may be too late but this poor girl deserves justice and I sure as hell won't let some murderer walk around freely in the campus.

Sorry I'm talking too much. I didn't even ask how you guys were doing. But I'm sure everything is the same with you. I hope you're not too mad at me that I decided to stay here.

Much love!


"Look kid, I get it. What happened to your friend was very unfortunate. But there's nothing we can do." The chubby detective was quick to dismiss my theories when I arrived at the police station.

"Are you sure about that?" I gave him a grave expression. "I'm not an expert or anything but I think finding her killer would be very helpful."

"There is no sign of struggle on her body. Nothing suggests this was a homicide." His eyes glazed over with boredom. "I believe you are overly emotional right now and overreacting. Maybe you should get some rest. It will help you process everything."

"Thanks for the advice. But that won't cut it." A sardonic smile formed on my lips. "How about you do your job and investigate properly. At least consider what I'm telling you. I'm not asking for much, am I? How can you just disregard me without even listening to what I have to say?"

"Our department's too busy with other cases. I can't afford wasting precious time on your speculations." The detective threw a pitying glance at me but there was no sign of respect in his expression. He just wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible.

"Mr. Horvitz, can I speak with you for a moment?" A middle aged woman stepped inside the detective's office without knocking. Her beige blonde hair was contrasting the dark dress which was making her figure seem smaller so she looked much younger than what I assumed her actual age should have been.

"Dean Wilde! Of course." The detective answered politely before he darted a dirty look at me which showcased his displeasure. "I'll just send him off and we can have our conversation in private."

"Excuse me, Dean Wilde, my name is Tyler Green. I go to your college." I decided to take my chance and introduce myself to the lady instead. If this officer wasn't going to listen to me he would at least have to answer her. "Are you here because of what happened to that poor girl yesterday?"

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