11 - Rest In Peace

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It's been a few days since Izzy died and I can't get one thing out of my mind. For some reason it felt so wrong that I can't stop thinking about it. I know you probably expect me to tell you how terrible it was seeing her cold dead body with my own eyes just hanging there next to her bed. Or the fact that her room was actually quite a bit of a mess which surprised me because I considered it strange that someone would want to be found dead in a place that could be mistaken for a dumpster. That further proved my theory that she in fact was murdered and this was all a set up to make it look like it was a suicide yet again.

Not to mention the 'note' she left which was typed on her laptop with huge letters and consisted of exactly three words – "Life's too hard." If that isn't the most personal letter then I don't know what is, note my sarcasm. I mean sure, it is possible that she didn't like writing lengthy essays but when two students suddenly end up dead, both in a span of not even a month, leaving most impersonal non hand written notes, you can't blame me for being suspicious that they were in fact murdered.

All of the things I mentioned were obviously horrible but they weren't what made me contemplate about the future. It was actually the day she died that had me appalled. It felt so wrong that someone would die on such a sunny day. I don't know why I can't get that thought out of my mind.

I'm not sure why I'm so agitated about that. It makes absolutely no sense but for some reason I want my last day to be rainy. I can't explain the reason but it just wouldn't feel right if it wasn't raining outside.

Maybe I'm the weird one for thinking like that. Maybe Izzy preferred that the sun was shining through the window on her corpse. What am I even saying?! She probably would've preferred to be alive. Why would she even care about the stupid weather?

Ugh... I miss my hometown. It used to rain all the time there but here it's as dry as a freaking desert. It's funny actually. I used to hate that when I lived there but now the rain is all I can think of as if it would cleanse my soul or something.

Anyway, I have to go now. I'm headed to Izzy's funeral. Audrey and Vincent are the ones who arranged it because she didn't have any family. I didn't even know that. There are so many things I don't know about her. We only became friends not too long ago and it's a real shame that she's no longer alive. She seemed like a really interesting person and it saddens me that I'll never get the chance to talk to her again.

I miss you guys. I hope you're having a better day than me.



Stepping into the room where Izzy's body was resting inside the casket was harder than I anticipated. I doubt I would have even been able to take a step forward if it weren't for Misoa and Hana who kindly agreed to come with me to her funeral. Just as we took a seat in the back row, Audrey who was previously talking to her boyfriend Winston in the front stood near the coffin to make a speech.

"We're gathered here today because one of my best friends decided to do the unthinkable. I cannot tell you how disappointed I am that I never got the chance to tell her how I really felt about her. Izzy, baby, if you can hear me I want you to know that you are the most despicable little slut I've ever met in my entire life. After you died I went through your phone while I was searching for a decent looking picture of your ugly ass for the funeral and saw all those texts you sent about me, you degenerate whore. I know you wanted to separate me from my boyfriend. I never expected you to do something like this to your only friend. I felt sorry for you because of how terrible your fashion sense was and the fact that no one even remotely liked you. I wholeheartedly tried to turn you into a likable person but you were so unbearable that you couldn't even stand to live with yourself. Truth be told I am super glad I'll never have to see your nasty, unsightly, piglike face ever again, traitor. I hope you burn in hell for how you betrayed me, you backstabbing skank. Rest in peace, bitch. It's not like anyone's going to miss you anyway!"

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