9 - Happy Memories

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Hi, mom, dad.

I don't really have much to say today to be completely honest. You're probably getting tired of the lengthy letters anyway so I'll just keep it short.

Nothing's really changed in my life since the last time I wrote to you. I did have an unpredictable encounter with Vincent when I was searching for the evidence on the rooftop. He seemed pretty depressed which surprised me but nevertheless our conversation made me realize something. You could even say I had an epiphany.

I've been so focused on the events of the past and worried about what might happen in the future that I completely forgot how to live in the moment and it's a shame because I used to be so good at that. Of course my past is very important, after all it shaped me into who I am now, but I need to enjoy the present because, to be frank, that's all I have left. I don't need to dwell on the future either because I already know what's going to happen.

I thought I was so unfortunate because I only had few months left to live but now I actually consider myself somewhat lucky in sort of a twisted way. At least I know when I'm going to die, well not the exact date and time but I've got the idea, so I can be ready for what's to come. I mean it obviously sucks that I can't spend more time here but at least I'll be prepared.

I'm still scared of the day I'll have to say goodbye to everyone but until that day arrives I'll keep my chin up and be the happiest guy there is! When that day finally does come I can truthfully say that I've had a pretty fulfilling life, made amazing friends along the way and lived with the best family there is. In the end I believe that's what really matters.

I'd like to think that those memories I crated with Elena, Ian and their parents will never disappear even after I'm gone. Even if they forget me I'll still remember everything.

I am so thankful for the years I spent with them. Ever month, every week, every day, every hour, every minute, every second, was the best part of my life and I'm so grateful I got to experience that. I can only hope that I'll die as happily as I lived.

I'm such a blabbermouth. I said I'd keep it short but somehow I managed to bore you with so much talking. I'll get going now. I don't want to make you barf with my silliness.

Love, Tyler.


"Ugh, I have nothing to wear." I threw my hands up in displeasure and dramatically landed on my bed.

"What do you mean? Closet's full of your stuff." Said Ian, reminding me of his presence in the room.

"Hey, Ian, can I borrow your clothes?" I offered him a pleading smile as I lifted the upper half of my body to make eye contact.

"Don't even think about it!" He raised the left half of his upper lip.

"Oh, c'mon! It's just for one day!" I blinked endearingly to annoy him. "I promise I'll give it back to you tomorrow. I'll even wash it!"

"There's no way I'll lend you anything ever again." He unfortunately knew all my tricks so convincing him was definitely going to be a challenge. "I already made that mistake once and you ruined my favorite sweater."

"Stop acting like a drama queen! It wasn't that big of a deal!" I tried to lighten the mood as I glanced at the little mole under his eye which he always hated ever since one of our classmates made fun of it and called him a pretty boy.

Maybe to somebody that might have sounded like a compliment but not to my dear brother. He despised being the center of attention. He was more of a wallflower, if you asked me, but masked his shyness with anger in order to look cool and mysterious. Every time I saw him with the popular kids acting all serious I couldn't help but giggle. It was hysterical.

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