The Universe stops when you're with me- Part 11

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Nathan's pov

Siva walked into the studio box where I was practising and gently laid some papers on the stand in front of me.

"What's this?"

He smirked.

"That song you wrote earlier!"

I suddenly felt a furious blush lighting up my face.


He laughed.

"Yeah Oh, It's amazing Nath! What inspired you?"

I rubbed my neck awkwardly.

"Someone who means alot to me."

Siva raised his eyebrows.

"How you doing Nath?" 

I looked him in the eyes and smiled.

"It's got better, i've accepted myself now."

Siva grinned widely and rested his hand on my arm.

"Good, I'm glad."

Seev is the only one who knows I'm  'gay' ( excluding Dionne)  I told him a while back because I knew he would be supportive and I was right he helped me on my path to accepting who I was.

"Whoever this guy is, Is very lucky." Siva said before resting a cup of tea on a nearby coffee table and padding out of the room.

I sighed happily and smiled to myself thinking about Jay.

I peered down at the lyrics in front of me and began scribbling more down. This song was hopefully going to be on our third album. I knew alot of the fans would love it because they would be able to relate to it.

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't hear the door open and I jumped half a foot in the air when arms wrapped round my body.

"Shit!" I jumped.

Jay's infectious laugh filled the room.

"What'cha doing?"

I smiled.

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

Jay kissed my neck gently before pulling away and saying

"Well I don't know that's why I asked!"

I laughed but a shudder ran down my body, It was worry.

"We shouldn't be doing this, not here. The lads could walk in-"

"Nath. It's fine I put the code in the door so they can't get in unless they buzz."

I felt the weigh drop from my shoulders.

"Wanna rehearse a few songs?" Jay asked.

"What songs?"

"Some old ones, I miss doing them."

I turned in Jay's arms and looked him in the eyes.

"Okay." I whispered then placed a brief kiss on his rosey lips.

 I went to pull away from Jay but he grabbed my arm.

"Wait Nath..." 

I stopped and turned to look at him.

"I Love you." He whispered before moving his hand down and intertwining it with mine.

I felt myself once again blushing and I he reached forward slipping his fingers under my chin and cocking them slightly so his eyes met mine.

"I really do love you."

He then placed a very soft lingering kiss on my lips. I let him hold my frame and our kiss was amazing, The silence of the room made it so much more fantasising. 

Jay made me feel like I was on another universe, that I wasn't on earth Anymore. I was on cloud nine. What he made me feel was possibly beyond human emotions, Surely it was. It felt like my heart was going to explode in my chest. 

I opened my eyes and saw Jay's were tightly close.

Baby, kiss me, make sure you close your eyes

I ran my gaze over his ever-perfect features and I felt myself smiling into the kiss that's when Jay's eyes blinked open and his burning blue irises looked deep into my soul. Just that Look took my breath away and I was forced to break our kiss. I leant my forehead against his and let out a sigh.

"I love you too."

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