"I know you won't die for me, But Say You Will." - Part 8

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2 weeks later

Jay's pov

"Jay." Tom nudged me as I gazed at Nathan who sat across the room.

"I'm worried about him." I replied honestly.

"We all are." Tom whispered.

"Hmm." I grumbled.

It was different for me , Because I knew why he was like he was. Since he had moved out Nathan had clearly not been himself and everyone who truly knew him saw that and even some of the fans did. Every time I went online on twitter I would get tweets like

Toms_Laugh_TWX ( completely made up twitter name)

Jay, Is Nathan Okay? He doesn't seem himself in the most recent interviews. xxxx

 I didn't know what to say or what to do, And then Last night when I was laying in bed and I couldn't sleep for the 8th Night in a row because I was busy thinking of him being Alone in His flat with tears streaming down his face and his heart aching. It was last night that it had occured to me; Maybe I should try it, I mean a relationship with him because we clearly have a strong bond and it could repair our friendship.

I'm not going to lie I'm worried shitless currently and I'm nervous that maybe if I did give it a go it could go too far. But it's worth a try right? 

Tom nudged me again

"What 'ya thinking about bird?" 

"Nothing." I groaned.

"Liar." Tom chuckled.

I just ignored his snide comment and continued to drift in and out of though completley ignoring the rules for Today's interview.

I was going to try; I wasn't going to like it because I'm not gay and I don't love Nathan in that way but it might fix him; Fix us.

Nathan's pov

"Nath,Can I talk to you." Jay asked pulling on my arm. 

I turned to face him 


"Please." He murmered "It's important."

"SEE YOU AT THE PUB TONIGHT!!" Max shouted as him and Tom left. Siva was somewhere in the building with Nareesha, Probably at the food court.

"Jay leave me alone." But he grasped my arm and pulled us into the dressing room, locking the door in the process.

"I need to tell you something."

I just glared at him.

"What could be so important that you would risk being alone with me in an enclosed space."

He frowned furrowing his brows.

"When I kissed you... There was something there." He said under his breath.

"What do you mean?" I frowned.

"I mean I-I-" But before he said anymore he stepped forward, his fingers locked behind my neck and he pulled his head downwards. Our lips touched and My heart was set alight.

My heart was aching so much like someone was trying to escape and I felt everything Jay felt, And in that moment all I could feel was his heartbeat,his lips and his emotions. Everything came together. I was in  pure bliss; On cloud nine some might say and in that second I knew I really did 'Love' Jay not just like him strongly, Nope. I felt full on emotions overwhelming me and I felt him, Just him no-one else. There was nothing that could compare to this. I had never 'Loved' anyone before because I had always been too young and the kissing was different to this, There was passion and a small fire but never EVER anything as strong and as magnetising as this. Now I could truly understand our own lyrics.

When your lips touch mine it's the kiss of life.


So I actually found this part really hard to write and I always think of the title of the part first then write it out, what was weird is that I think this part is summed up completley in the title. I would love suggestions on what you want to happen next because I'm always up for a bit of Reader input :) And as always thanks for reading and commenting and fanning ect: - sophie xx

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