Part 14 "Falling to Pieces."

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Nathan's pov

I just curled up in my quilt letting the heart ache flow from my eyes and I allowed the sobs to break through the wall I had built up. I just wrapped myself up in a metaphorical cotton wool ball and tried to ignore the world around me. I began to sob louder and I felt an ache deep inside my chest. I struggled to take in air as I lost my breath through sobs. Then a choaking sound escaped my throat and air filled my lungs. I paused for a second before starting crying again.

My eyes stung as I rubbed them furiously in an attempt to clear them of tears. But my eyes just hurt even more and begun to feel heavy.

My whole body hurt, I had a heavy heart and a heavy mind.

"No." I whispered before standing up, wiping my face with the sleeve of my hoodie and slipping on a pair of high tops nearby.

I wondered out of the room and downstairs.

"Nathan!?" Jay asked shooting up.

But I simply ignored him and grabbed my bomber jacket.

"I'm going out." I grunted before heading out of the flat, My heart still weighing me down.

"DON'T BE AN IDIOT!" Jay shouted as he tried to chase me down the street but I turned down a sharp ally and then pushed open the door to a club.

Jay didn't know the club was there and even if he did He would never find me in the sea of people.

I looked around surveying my options, Although those options were very hard to see with freaking strobe lights flashing on and off.

There was a few guys dotted around who i suppose 'looked' Gay and there was definitely some hot girls, If I was straight. And then there was the slags who already had their dresses up to their chests.

I sighed and went to return to the house realising what a huge mistake I had made to come here but a hand landed on my shoulder.

"Damn you're not leaving already are you? I was gonna offer you a drink?" I turned to peer over my shoulder only to be met by a huge pair of grey-Blue eyes that pierced the darkness of the room.

My breath was whipped from my body. He was beautiful.

His black hair; Much like Tom's fell just above his eyes and his eyes lit up his pale skin. His lips were pert,pink and soft. His cheekbones illuminated his perfect features.

"Are you?"

I realised I had been so caught up at gazing at him I had forgotten to answer.

"Well now that you mention it I'm feeling rather parched."

He chuckled deeply and reached out to take my hand and shake it.

"Blake." He smiled showing a line of perfectly straight, white teeth.

I smiled in return.


OOO! SHIT!! DID I JUST DO THAT!? NOW WHAT! ARE NATH AND BLAKE GONNA HAVE A FAIRY TALE ENDING OR IS JAY GOING TO REALISE HIS TRUE FEELINGS!? I'm so sorry for how short this is but I'm really, really struggling to write this. I have MAJOR writing block and usually listening to songs helps but not this time So I'm in desperate need of suggestions! But thank you for all your votes ect: love you guys always! - Sophie xx

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