You're waiting on a minute hand in a countdown that lasts for days-Part 6

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Jay's pov

Awkward didn't even cover the current situation. 

"So."  Nathan whispered finally looking up.

"Look Nath You know I didn't mean to hurt you and I didn't mean to react like I did but it's going to take a while to get my head around this." Nathan nodded in reply.

"I completley understand I mean-" But he cut himself off and once again regained contact with his shoes.

"What?" I asked trying to coax him out of his shell.

"Nothing." He murmured 

"Nath you can tell me anything."

"Clearly not." He snapped , I was taken back a bit and fell silent.

"Sorry I didn't mean to snap. I just-" Once again he cut off

"Nath." I said gently

"I could understand why you don't love me , obviously you're not gay but even if you were I wouldn't be good enough." He stated then pulled his arms round his body.

"Nath-" I sighed

"I'm not like the others or you, I'm not 'fit' Or strong or good looking, I'm just a spotty, fat , greasy haired teenager." He choked barley holding back tears. I felt another wave of guilt spread through my body.

"Don't think like that you are good enough and you're not any of those things, there's a perfect person for you out there somewhere that person just isn'" I croaked before softly resting my hand on his leg. He sighed heavily.

"I don't want anyone else." He whispered.

"Look Nathan I'm trying to be understanding and I'm trying to help you here but you're really not making it easy for me." I shouted lightly.

He looked up his green eyes filling with tears.

"Well... I'm sorry for being in love with you." And with that he stood up , wiping tears away in the process. 

"You know I didn't mean that-"

"Yeah Ok." He replied bitterly.

He went to exit the room.

"Nathan don't leave."

He ignored me and continued towards the door.

"NATHAN HEAR ME OUT!" I shouted.... he ignored me.

So in that one swift movement; in that one swift second; in that one moment. I ran towards Nathan , grabbed him, spun him round, pressed him to the wall and.... well.... I kissed him.

Nathan's pov

I wasn't sure what was happening right now. All I could feel was the lead weight lifting and Jay's lips. It was strange because considering he didn't love-Like me in the way I did him there sure was alot of meaning and passion in that kiss. I tried to mumble something about him not wanting this and it being a mistake but he only kissed me harder. Eventually I managed to push him away.

"Jay-" I choked.

"Isn't that what you wanted." he said gasping for air.

I felt tears threatning my eyes

"Not like this... Never like this. I don't want you to kiss me out of pity and wanting my attention. I want you to mean it."

"But." he stuttered.

But I had left our flat before anymore words could be exchanged...

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