Lonely - Part 2

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Hello :) So obviously I'm new to wattpad and everything and this is my first fic/story on here. I've previously written around 4 Jaythan fanfics , But I recently got some thoughts together and here we are. I hope you guys like it and thank you for reading - sophie

Nathan's pov (ctd)

I continued to vomit to the point where I was just choking and retching on the air filling my lungs. I grabbed some tissue from the holder beside the toilet and wiped away any sick on the seat of the loo, then I reached up and flushed the chain after doing so I proceeded to wash my face and brush my teeth.

As I leant heavily onto the sink I looked into the mirror, God what a state! My eyes were raw and bloodshot and my whole face was just tomato red not to mention my snivelling nose. "God you're such a mess." I whispered to myself. I sighed and turned looking over my shoulder . Now what? I didn't want to leave this room, I didn't want to face anyone or anything. "Bath." I suggested to myself, I pulled myself over to the tub and flickered each tap both began to blast. I turned down the cold a little , I wanted a lovely hot bath to relax me and to help me let my thoughts flow. 

I slowly undressed myself pulling off my high tops and socks, My drop crotch jeans and belt, My hoodie and GAME OVER Top then I pulled off my precious snapback. I stood only in my boxers and When I looked down at myself I groaned , I once again spun on my heel to face  the full length mirror beside the Towel rail. Something inside of me when 'Twang' I felt tears begin to run once again, I  glared at my less than impressive torso in dismay. God How I longed to be like the others, I mean I would die for any of their pecks especially Tom's! he had the body I always wanted, the thick strong arms, the Not-Too-Much six pack, the toned legs. I had always wanted that but unfortunately My asthma had stopped me from training as hard as any of the lads do, I did once or twice and I pushed myself a bit too far if it wasn't for Ja- Oh god Jay. He Hates me.

I had got so lost in my reflection and the current situation that I completely forgot the bath was running "SHIT!" , The water was almost at the highest possible point I darted to turn it off and as I did I slipped On edge of the bath matt "Fuck!"I landed directly on my wrist and it made a terrible crunching sound, I tried desperately to ignore the surging pain in my arm as I reached up to turn off the taps. Once I was sure they were off I leant against the bath in tears, Everything had turned upside down today.../

"Every Breath." Jaythan Fanfic ( COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now