"Can't we just forget." part 7

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okay so, i'm writing this chapter from my phone which means the grammar is going to be horrific ( along with the spellings) and i have no idea how long it's going to be because my phone doesn't get 'mainstream' apps like twitter or wattpad ect: so this is really hard for me to write but i promised an update tonight, so it will happen!! Enjoy this chapter and here's my pre- apologies for everything that's about to happen. - sophie xx

Jay's Pov

I sighed heavily and sat down on the sofa, idiot. My brain rehearsed.

"yeah i know." i said out loud.

Why did i do that?! I've messed things up between us even more!! Urgh.

Sent to nathan at 13.54

"i'm sorry."

It was stupid of me to even think he would reply , because he wouldn't and i knew he wouldn't but i sent it anyways. And i was right, no reply.

I ran my fingers through my curls and once again let a sigh escape my lips, i had kissed him. Me kissed him not him kissing me.

In frustration i curled my fingers round my strands of hair and let a sharp growl echo from my throat upwards.

"FUCK!!" I vented as i threw myself into a standing position and began to pace the room, how is it that so little time has changed so much?! I can't stand the thought of not having nathan by my side but i also can't stand the thought of having him as my 'lover' as such.

Then my phone buzzed violently in my pocket. I felt my heart flap.

Received from nathan at 14.43

"i think it would be best if i move out because things between us can only get worse, i mean have you surveyed our 'friendship' lately there's not much left to savour to be honest, i'll miss you being my best friend and i knew from the start that if i told you it would ruin everything because you're not like me , you're not.... Different. It's been hard for me to accept who i am but now i have and i know for sure you can't love me back it's time for me to try to move on."

and for the first time during this situation my heart ached for nathan to be sat by my side laughing and chatting about random bullshit like we used to, tears began to prick my tired eyes, i had lost him....

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