Fair Game: An Atlas Wedding pt.2

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"Oh no, you're hurt. What happened?" Ruby said concerned.

"I was attacked by the monsters that live in these mines. I was barely able to fight one of them off with that old pickax over there. These creatures...they're supposed to be extinct, but yet here they are in these mines." Clover told her.

"We should wrap up your arm, to stop the bleeding." Ruby suggested.

"With what?" Clover asked.

"How about the other sleeve." replied Ruby.

"It'll have to do, I guess." Clover sighed.

"Well, it's not like there's any other choice, so..." Ruby said before ripping off the sleeve on Clover's uninjured arm and wrapping it around the injured one.

"Thank you, Ruby." Clover said.

"How do you know my name?" Ruby asked Clover.

"Your uncle talks about you and your sister all the time, and has shown me plenty of pictures." Clover answered with a fond smile.

"So you guys really do know each other." Ruby said.

"Yes, of course we do. Ruby, the wedding is real, I really did ask your uncle to marry me." Clover said.

Ruby stands up and extends her hand towards Clover.

"Come on, we got a wedding to stop and a kingdom to save." Ruby declared with a confident smile.

Returning the smile, Clover takes the girl's hand and is helped to his feet. Meanwhile, at the castle everyone is getting ready for the wedding.

"Do you think Ruby's alright? I haven't seen her since yesterday." Yang asked Weiss and Blake.

"I'm not really sure, but I'm worried." Weiss answered.

"Me too. I've never seen Ruby behave like that before, there has to be more going on." said Blake.

The faunus notices that her blonde friend's eyebrows were furrowed and she was frowning, seemingly lost in thought.

"What's on your mind, Yang?" Blake asked her.

"Something's just not right...with any of this. Ruby wouldn't act that way for no reason, and Uncle Qrow...what he said about Mom...he'd never say something so cruel to Ruby, no matter how mad or upset he may be." Yang replied.

"After the ceremony, I'm gonna look for Ruby." she added.

"What if she doesn't want to be found." said Weiss.

"I don't give a d*mn if she wants to be found or not! I'm gonna get Ruby, Uncle Qrow, and Clover in a room together and force them to talk out whatever's going on between them!" Yang argued.

Elsewhere in the castle, the impostor Clover is getting into his tux.

"Look at this beautiful kingdom. I can't wait for it to be all mine." (fake)Clover said to himself looking out the window.

"I just hope no one else gets in the way like that annoying little girl." he grumbled.

Back in the mines, Ruby and Clover are trying to find a way out. As they were running, Ruby saw that Clover wasn't running as fast as he probably should be...he even stumbled a little bit a couple times.

"Clover, are you okay? How long have you been down here?" Ruby asked worried.

"I've been stuck in these mines for the past two weeks." Clover replied short of breath.

Up ahead, Ruby saw A mine car on a set of tracks.

"Come on, this could be a way out." Ruby said running excitedly towards the mine car.

Snowbird/Fairgame Oneshots (But mostly Fairgame)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora