Touch touch touch-

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Dare: xKittaMew

Unlike how the original BBBs are inside their house, like normal house

The ones in London lives in a mansion-

Yes they rich, thanks to The triplets

Also, do you guys want another look on these guys in London? Even though I already showed you guys how they look like?


Telepathy: calm down Seeker! It would be a fun dare to do! ^^

Seeker: she should've pick the ones in Japan- they are better at doing this dare then us *rolls his eyes*

Emit: *giggles* don't say that! You haven't even try it to judge it *hugging Kat*

Kat: owo different BBBsssss

Dia: why of course~ we are a part from the original BBBs!

Kat: ehh? Really?

Gold: *walks in with tray of teas* yes! The three of us, are from Emerald or so we called him Crystal *sets the tray on the table and pour the tea*

Silver: *takes the cup of tea from Gold* we only separate because Emerald want to be known as Emerald, not Crystal

Kat: Ohh~ because soon, Earthquake will be Crystal?

Seeker: *floating in the air because of Telepathy* pretty much kid

Kat: noice *carries the little Emit in her arms* anyways! Let's start the dare!

Telepathy is not allow to touch his books

Telepathy: wha- why? I need them for my Magic! ;-;

Seeker, you can't touch anything to perfect it

Seeker: that's absurd! I don't want to be part of this dare!

Emit, don't even try touching any clocks

Emit: pwp cruel

Dia, Gold and Silver, please, you three, try not to touch any expensive stuff or jewelry

Dia: *lé gásp*

Gold; how dare you!

Silver: time to end my life-

Kat: wOw, they are different from the original BBBs

Diana: *appears beside Kat* definitely.. without any complaints, let's start the dare!


Telepathy: ... *rocking back and forth on his rocking chair as he stares at his spell books* the cruelness is real

Seeker: you have no idea *beside Telepathy, having more worse then Telepathy* I can't even touch to perfect things and fingers twitching!

Gold: *walks in, trying his best not to touch anything* why must our house be filled with expensive furniture and decorations!

Seeker; *glares at Gold* because you three were the one who decorated this place..

Telepathy; when will this dare be over?

Diana: *walks in behind Gold* by night time and you can't forward time, that is against the rules *looking around*

Seeker: fiddle sticks..

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