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yoongi was the first to arrive at the hospital, forced to wait in the waiting room until hoseok was in a room and settled down. the rest of the group arrives, finding yoongi and sitting with him. seokjin immediately goes to the boy who has his face in his hands and rubs his back. "he'll be okay." he tries to comfort yoongi.

yoongi shakes his head and looks up. "this has been such a bad month for us. i'm leaving the country three months, we've had stupid ass fights about dumb shit, and now he can't even walk. i hate this, all of it." yoongi rants, putting his head back in his hands. seokjin nods. "every relationship has a rough patch. that's how you know you really love that person." he says, while looking at namjoon who smiles.

as if on cue, a doctor walks out to the waiting room. "is there a min yoongi in here?" he asks the waiting room, yoongi and the rest of the group walking up to the doctor. "so what we have decided was that he has a grade 3 acl tear. so what that means is that his ligaments split into two pieces and his knee is unstable." the doctor informs, the boys cringing from the thought of that happening to them.

"so we took some x-rays and we gave him some medicine for the pain. he's strong, he didn't complain once. you got yourself a good one." the doctor says, pointing at yoongi who smiles at the thought of his boyfriend. the doctor begins walking towards the hallway with many rooms in it, finally opening the door to a room. yoongi walks in and sees hoseok laying on a bed in a hospital gown and hooked up to lots of wires.

yoongi's heart shattered at the sight, going to his bedside and holding hoseok's hand. "hey. how do you feel?" yoongi asks softly, letting go of every grudge he'd held against the boy. hoseok blinks slowly and squeezes the boys hand. "i'm tired." he slurs. yoongi nods. "i'll let you rest-" yoongi said while heading towards the door, but hoseok held his hand back.

"no, stay with me. they can stay, too." he says, pulling yoongi to the bed. yoongi looks at the boys and nods, letting them know they can come in. yoobgi climbs in the bed with hoseok and cuddles him. the rest of the group piles into the room and stands around their friend. "are they keeping you here overnight, seok?" jungkook asks, hoseok nodding.

"they said they were gonna tell the school so i'm not counted as an unexcused absence." he tells his best friend. "i'm sorry this happened to you, hoseok." namjoon says, discreetly wrapping and arm around seokjin's waist while doing so. seokjin leans into the touch as if he was used to it.

jimin and taemin were standing. exit to each other, some tension between the two. hoseok looks over at his friends. "okay, you two need to go talk outside or something because i could cut the tension with a knife." he says, pointing at the teenagers. they both sigh, jimin crossing his arms and rolling his eyes. taehyung looks at the couple.

"he's right. somethings not right and you should talk it out. i think hoseok will be fine if you two come visit tomorrow." he says, hoping that the bad aura in the room would vanish if the two were out of the room. taemin begins walking out of the room, leaving jimin. jimin just shakes his head and looks at taehyung.

taehyung smiles and puts his hand on jimin's shoulder. "it'll be okay." he tells his best friend who sighs and walks out of the hospital room. of course, luck doesn't happen to be on anyone's side these past few weeks because the boys had rode to school together like they always do. jimin walks out of the hospital doors to find taemin standing outside.

he refuses eye contact with the shorter male, looking at the ground. jimin clears his throat. "so are we gonna talk or what?" jimin asks, throwing his arms up and letting them hit his thighs. teaming crosses his arms and looks up. "what's there to talk about?" he asks, frustrated.

"i don't know, maybe how you've been avoiding me all day? what's your problem, tae?" he asks his boyfriend. taemin looks at the boy, his eyes fierce. "the problem is you. your constantly worried about other people and you fail to notice anything i'm going through." he rants, almost shouting at the boy. jimin bites the inside of his cheek and shakes his head.

"tae, you haven't told me anything. maybe that's why i fail to notice!" jimin yells. taemin closes his eyes. "my dad left. we got up this morning and saw a note on the counter saying he couldn't stay. a note, jimin. there. i told you." taemin says, running a hand through his hair and sighing in frustration.

jimin licks his lips and looks at his boyfriend. "tae, i'm sorry-" taemin cuts his partner off. "no. just, i don't want to talk right now. i don't want to talk to you." he says, walking away. jimin gulps, feeling tears rush to his eyes. he feels a sudden warmth behind his and feels arms wrap around his shoulders.

"it's okay. he's had a hard day." taehyung whispers to the boy, hugging him tightly. jimin turns around and hugs the boy while crying softly. taehyung shushes him. "you can ride home with me tonight." he tells his best friend who nods. "thank you, taehyung." he thanks the taller boy. taehyung just shakes his head.

"it's no problem. let's go back to the room, the boys will be there for you." he says, guiding jimin back into the hospital and to hoseok's room. they walk in and all eyes instantly go to them. "jimin? are you alright?" seokjin asks, getting out of namjoon's grip and going to comfort his friend.

jimin sniffles and wipes his cheeks. "we fought. he said his dad left this morning without any warning and he's just had a bad day." jimin informs the group. namjoon sighs. "i'll go check on him." he says, whipping his phone out and texting the boy. the kim brothers are comforting their friend and namjoon is texting taemin when they hears snores.

they look at the bed and realize the two boys are asleep. seokjin awes at the sight and takes a picture to show yoongi later. "fuck." namjoon mutters, not being too quiet. "what?" jimin asks, worried something has happened to his boyfriend. namjoon shakes his head. "i'll text jin to tell you." he says, walking to seokjin and planting a kiss on his cheek.

"i'll see you tomorrow, alright? bye guys." he says, seokjin blushing. jungkook is watching the scene unfold in front of him, observing how taehyung is such a caring person. he's only known jimin for about a month and the two are glued together. jungkook starts to think about taehyung some more before he realizes something.

'i like kim taehyung.'

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