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the family greets the young boy. "oh you're so handsome!" jungkook's mother exclaims to the boy. "thank you, mrs. jeon." he bows slightly at the woman. "you are a very good looking boy." his father proceeds to say, taehyung also thanking him.

he hold the door open for the children, smiling at each of them. he gets excited when he sees mina, glad his little sister has a friend to play with afterwards. plus, he loves children. he smiles at areum complimenting her. "your dress is very pretty." he tells her.

areum swears her heart fluttered. "thank you. you're very handsome." she says back. she has always been good with guys, never getting nervous around them. she's just that kind of person. then finally jungkook walks through the door. taehyung looks at him.

"you clean up well, jeon." he says while closing the door. he's not going to lie, he was definitely checking jungkook out. "thanks. you don't look too bad yourself, kim." he replies. jungkook also wasn't going to lie, he was looking at the boy adoringly.

he was wearing a black and white striped button up tucked into black slacks with black dress shoes and a belt. they walk through the house filled with marble flooring and chandeliers hanging everywhere. that's when jungkook lays his eyes on everyone in the room.

he sees seokjin wearing black slacks and dress shoes with a teal and white button up. jennie is wearing a tight beautiful dress that is white and has a slit on one of the legs. he sees a little girl wearing a white flowy dress with black flats, who he guesses is around mina's age. his eyes then land on who he assumes to be taehyung's parents.

his father is wearing the same suit as jungkook's father, except wearing a red tie. his mother wearing a classy black dress that goes to her knees and white heels. "come on over! don't be shy!" taehyung's mother says, motioning the family into the dining area.

the table is very long and has decorations of f flowers in the middle of it. they all sit down, jungkook sitting next to taehyung. before taehyung sits down, he pulls out mina and areum's chairs. "why thank you." areum says to the boy. "my pleasure." he responds.

taehyung sits down finally and looks at jungkook. he notices the boy looks quite mad about something. he leans over to whisper to the boy. "you alright?" he asks the boy who just nods in response, not wanting his true emotions to show.

taehyung just nods and sits straight again. "the food should be done any minute now!" mrs. kim informs everyone. "let me go help with that." mrs. jeon goes off to the kitchen with the other mother. the father's start to make conversation about some sports game while the children are silent.

"do you wanna be my friend?" taemi, taehyung's little sister asks mina. mina smiles widely, her smile looking exactly like jungkook's, and nods. "yeah! do you play barbies?" she asks the girl, who nods. the two little girls eventually get into their own conversation, leaving the five teenagers in silence.

"okay someone needs to break this silence because it's getting awkward." jennie suddenly speaks up and chuckles. areum giggles as well. "i was thinking the same thing!" she says to the girl. and before you know it, the three boys are left in silence because the girls have gotten into a conversation about god-knows-what.

"so, jungkook. i heard you were starting next week. that's awesome!" seokjin says, breaking the obvious tension in the situation. jungkook smiles and nods. "i've been the only goalie for the last three years, it's kind of normal. but it always feels good to start." he explains to the senior.

"well i know you're good. taehyung has fold me about you." seokjin says, realizing he just exposed his little brother. taehyung's face reddens at the comment and jungkook just smirks. "you talk about me?" he asks, flirtatiously one seokjin's opinion.

"yeah, a little. but i still hate you." taehyung tells the boy who just giggles. "well you sure don't hate me that much to be saying good things about me." jungkook remarks, putting his arms on the back of taehyung's chair. seokjin watches the two interact and bicker at each other.

he notices the way his brother flushes at the boys comments. and the way jungkook smiles when taehyung says something. you could say taehyung and seokjin have that trait in common, both brothers being able to read people extremely well.

the two boys, still carried away in their conversation, fail to notice that the food has arrived to the table. areum taps taehyung on the shoulder, taehyung turning to look at the pretty girl. too bad taehyung likes boys, or else he'd most likely go after the girl. but he seems to be going after the other sibling.

"um, the foods here." she says shyly. taehyung looks around and notices everyone's plates, including his, was filled with food. "right. thanks for telling me." he says, smiling at the girl. he turns around and starts talking to jungkook again. areum's smile disappears as she watches the boy interact with her brother.

she decides to shake it off and make conversation with jennie. everyone has a great time during dinner, discussing lacrosse games, to the little girls, and eventually to the topic of taehyung.

"yes, we're very proud of taehyung. he's gotten quite the crowd over the years." his father explains to the jeon family. mrs. jeon nods and grins. "yes, our jungkook here is also quite the player. he's a great goalie." she informs the other parents.

"so taehyung, what does it feel like to have so many people aware of you and your talent? i'm sure you've got quite the girls, too." mr. jeon asks the teen. taehyung smiles. "it's very surreal. i'm very thankful for all of the opportunities i've gotten from it." he says, dodging the "girls" statement. jungkook doesn't let this go unnoticed.

'maybe he's keeping the same secret i am.'

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