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the two families continue eating and conversing until everyone is finished. mrs. kim goes around and cleans up everyone's plates, mrs. jeon helping as well. the two women go into the kitchen while the fathers go off to god knows where.

mrs. kim comes back into the dining room. "you two boys should go up to taehyung's room." she tells the teens. "that's a great idea!" jungkook's mother chimes in. jungkook wasn't necessarily complaining, but he didn't want to show it so he hid it with an emotionless face.

"come on. i'll show you where my room is." taehyung says, motioning the boy towards the large staircase. they walk up the stairs and start heading down a long hallway until they get to a door. taehyung opens the door revealing a big room.

the boys go into the room, taehyung licking the door behind him. jungkook sits down on the end of the king size bed, taehyung sitting next to him. they stay silent a moment. "so, what's your deal?" taehyung asks leaning back on the bed, his elbows sitting him up.

jungkook looks at the boy. "i don't have a deal." he says in a monotone. taehyung makes a thinking face. "you kind of do. you act all nice to me outside of school, but you hate me during school. not to mention, during lacrosse." he tells the boy.

jungkook shakes his head. 'you have no idea.' he thinks. but apparently he didn't think, he said it out loud. "i don't have an idea of what?" he asks, sitting up normally. jungkook sighs and shuts his eyes. "fuck me." he mumbles.

"gladly." taehyung responds. jungkook whips his head at the boy, a shocked look on his face. "what did you say?" he asks the boy. taehyung shrugs. "you said fuck me, so i said gladly." he says, gaining some confidence. jungkook gulps nervously.

taehyung gradually gets closer to the boys face. "i mean, would you like it?" taehyung asks. jungkook smirks, also gaining confidence as the conversation goes on. "oh baby, i wouldn't be the one enjoying it. i'm no bottom." he tells the boy, a little seductively.

taehyung bites his lip. "are you saying i'm a bottom?" he questions the boy. jungkook just shrugs. "wouldn't hurt to find out, would it?" he asks the boy, pushing him down on the bed and straddling him. taehyung is taken back, but isn't complaining.

he puts his hands on jungkook's hips, putting his fingers through the belt holes. jungkook puts his hands above taehyung's head and leans down. the boys stare at each other for a second, admiring each other's beauty. then suddenly, jungkook leans down and kisses him.

taehyung kisses back as soon as his lips connect with jungkook's. he moves his hands up to jungkook's shirt, untucking it in the process. their kissing had turned into a heated make-out session. taehyung starts unbuttoning jungkook's shirt, jungkook kissing the boys jaw.

when jungkook gets to a spot right below taehyung's jawbone on the left side of his face, the boy lets out a soft moan. that shocks jungkook, but he doesn't stop sucking on the spot. by the time he's made a hickey on the certain spot, his shirt is completely off and on the floor somewhere in taehyung's floor.

jungkook then starts to unbutton taehyung's shirt, doing so fairly quick. soon enough, the boys are back to making out. while doing so, taehyung's hands go to jungkook's belt, slowly unbuckling it and sliding it off of jungkook.

jungkook then starts to kiss down taehyung's jaw, which then makes it to taehyung's stomach. he stops suddenly, looking up at the boy. "what?" taehyung asks, frustrated he stopped. jungkook smiles. "your tummy is cute." jungkook tells the boy.

taehyung's face immediately gets red. he smiles. his stomach really was pretty. it was soft and tan, abs barely outlining it. jungkook then goes back to kissing the boys stomach, sucking on some parts. taehyung is holding in as many moans as he can, some accidentally slipping out.

he makes his way back to taehyung's face, the boys making out once again. taehyung then starts a to unzip jungkook's zipper on his slacks, praying jungkook is going along with it. thankfully for him, jungkook let's the boy continue.

jungkook begins to slip off his pants before a voice is heard. "jungkook! it's time to leave!" he hears his father yell. the boys look at each other wide eyed. jungkook jumps off the boy and starts putting his clothes back on quickly, passing taehyung his shirt in the meantime.

he gets his clothes on pretty quickly, not too slow to make anyone suspicious. he makes his way to the door, leaving taehyung to sit on the bed. he puts his hand out to open the door, but is cut off by taehyung.

"can i at least get a kiss goodbye?" he asks the teen. jungkook just smirks at the boy, jogging back to the male and leaning down. he kisses the boy and puts his hand on his cheek. they kiss for about 7 seconds before pulling away.

"we should do this more often." jungkook says, taehyung nodding in agreement. "we really should." he says, smiling. jungkook walks back to the door and opens it. "bye, tae." he says softly, taehyung waving in response.

jungkook walks down the large stairs to see his family at the front door. "what took you so long?" areum asked. jungkook felt a wave of nervousness go over him. "uh, nothing. me and taehyung got a little carried away." he says, barely showing signs of him being uncomfortable.

areum looks at the boy. "mhm, okay." she says quietly where only them two could hear. "thank you for having us! we will need to do this another time!" mrs. jeon exclaims to the other mother.

they hug, agreeing to do a dinner again soon. they all walk out and get in the car, jungkook thinking of what he was just doing 5 minutes ago. 'holy shit. we almost fucked.' he thinks to himself.

"you alright, kook?" areum says, waving her hand in front of his face. jungkook jumps at the sudden movement, nodding in response and going on his phone. areum gives her brother a look of confusion that he doesn't see as jungkook continues to think about the boy.

'maybe he isn't so bad.'

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