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the week had passed by a little, no, way too slow for jungkook's liking. he and taehyung has still been at each other's throats at practice, still not necessarily getting along off the field. jungkook had been pronounced the starter of the game next week, making taehyung curious and even more determined to take his spot. and of course, lucky for them, they had all morning classes together.

they had gotten to their 3rd period, which happened to be chemistry. they definitely weren't expecting to have a partner project in that class. "okay, guys. today we are starting a 3 week project that is worth 25% of your grade. i will be picking partners, so we can balance things out." the teacher, mr. lee, explained.

he hears a series of groans escape the students mouths. "easy down. i'm not going to make you guys miserable, i can promise that." he tells the teenagers. he picks up his chart. "when i call your names, go ahead and go join your partner at their table." he says.

"hoseok and jimin, misun and youngjae, jackson and mark..." mr. lee continues the list. jungkook and taehyung are both praying they don't have each other. but of course, luck isn't quite in their favor. "jungkook and taehyung," he says and the two boys groan.

"is there a problem?" mr. lee stops his list and looks at the two boys. don't get it twisted, mr. lee is one of the best teachers at the school. he always plays around with students, cracking jokes and teasing them. but when you show any sign of disrespect, he can get scary.

the teacher is very big on respect, and he makes that clear. but his playful demeanor and fun personality helps other students respect him. the two boys immediately sit up straight and shake their heads at the male. "good." mr. lee says as he goes back to reading the list.

taehyung goes over to jungkook's table, since jungkook's table partner had already been assigned a partner. he sits in the seat and looks at jungkook, who isn't looking at him. taehyung sighs, and crosses his arms while leaning back in the chair.

mr. lee finally gets done reading the partners. "alright since this project is a long one and a big part of your grade, i encourage you to meet up with your partner outside of school." he goes on to tell the class. he then carries on to explain the project.

the two boys listen to the teacher, not wanting a bad grade. it's quite obvious the two boys are unhappy with each other's presence. "any questions?" mr. lee finishes. the class shakes their head. the teacher decides to let the teenagers talk for the remainder of class, since the bell would ring any second.

taehyung looks back at the boy. "why're you always so pissed off?" he asks. jungkook whips his head at the boy. "what's that supposed to mean?" he asks. taehyung just shrugs. "i don't know. you just always look so mad unless you're with your friends." he explains.

jungkook chuckles at the statement. "have you ever thought that i just don't like you?" jungkook asks, bitterness in his tone. the other boy just bites his lip, afraid that if he said the wrong thing it would cause a fight. "why would you hate me?" he asks, putting a cutesy smile on his face.

jungkook looks at the boy and smirks, but quickly hides it with an emotionless face. "do you not remember what you said to me on monday about 'taking my spot'?" jungkook reminds him. taehyung giggles at that. "i forgot about that, actually." he says in between giggles.

jungkook ends up chuckling along with the boy. "how'd you forget?" he asks while laughing as well. taehyung just throws his hands up in an 'i don't know' motion and proceeds to laugh. both boys finally settle down when the bell rings.

they walk out of the classroom together, not talking but still giggling about taehyung's bad memory. mr. lee notices this and smirks. "these kids have no clue what their future holds." he says to himself, shaking his head and going on his computer.


the day is finally over, as is practice. the team is getting dressed back into their regular clothes. jungkook is slipping his jersey off when he feels a tap on his arm. he looks over and sees namjoon. "hey, joon. what's up?" he says, grabbing his hoodie and slipping it on.

"i was wondering if you wanted to come over, i'm not doing anything and the whole group is gonna be there." namjoon says while slipping his sweatpants on. "can't. got a dinner my parents are making me go to." jungkook tells the older.

"ah, i get it. maybe next time." namjoon says while patting him on the shoulder and walking out of the locker room. jungkook finishes getting dressed, hurrying to his car and heading home. when he gets home, he goes straight to his room to get dressed.

both families decided it was a formal dinner and everyone needed to be dressed appropriately. jungkook had a plain white button up tucked into black slacks with leather gucci shoes and a gucci belt. he also added a long beige coat since the weather was cold.

areum was in a beautiful dress that was plain black, her hair was curled and her shoes were black heels, also having a coat for the weather. she looked very classy and ladylike in jungkook's opinion. mina has a dress on that is white on top and has a teal bottom with flowers on it. her hair was curled and put into a cute ponytail.

his mother was in a formal white dress with black heels, a nice leather coat to go along with it. his father was rocking a nice black suit with a teal tie. the family looks very professional as they exit their home and get into their car to head to their neighbors house.

the whole 2 minute drive areum was talking about taehyung and how he's most likely her soulmate. and jungkook sat through it. all. of. it. they pulled up to the large home, parking their car in the big driveway. they go up and knock on the door. it opens, revealing a very beautiful boy who jungkook recognized too well.

'my god, he's hot.'

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